Forget Smart Content, files not showing in Content Library!

Alright. So this is a weird one, and I've looked through thread after thread seeing if I could find anyone else who has had this one come up.

I managed to break a few files for Genesis 3 Female. These are some of the poses that come with the Genesis 3 Starter Essentials package. (Yes, I am an idiot.) Deciding the easiest way to fix the pooched poses was to simply uninstall the Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials then reinstall (both actions taken through DIM), I settled in with a good book and did so.

Now here is where it gets weird.

If I go into the "Products" section of the content library, there is no "Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials" product. That's fine, they had originally been located in "Genesis 3 Starter Essentials". Only, they aren't showing in that, either. The Genesis 3 Male Starter Essentials" products are, but in terms of all the G3F stuff that's supposed to be there? No actor, no Basic Wear, no Dark Storm Outfit, no Poses... Not even the Toulouse Hair that EVERY Starter Essentials comes with.

Now, I *can* find the aformentioned Dark Storm Outfit under Daz Studio Assets > My Daz 3D Library > People > Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Dark Storm. The Toulouse Hair is under >> Genesis 3 Female > Hair > Toulouse Hair. So on and so forth. If I browse to file location, voile, the files are right there, in the proper folders corresponding to the library location.

But this is the key point. If I select any of them and try to catagorize it so it will show up ANYWHERE else, it will already show as being in the locations I would want it. For example, the WEARABLES version of the complete Dark Storm Outfit shows as being in my _My Personal Library > Genesis 3 > Female > Outfits > Dark Storm in the "Catagorize" pop-up. But if I actually go to that location, that location is emptier than my wallet.

I am so, so very confused. Has anyone actually encountered this one before?


  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501

    Alright. So this is a weird one, and I've looked through thread after thread seeing if I could find anyone else who has had this one come up.

    I managed to break a few files for Genesis 3 Female. These are some of the poses that come with the Genesis 3 Starter Essentials package. (Yes, I am an idiot.) Deciding the easiest way to fix the pooched poses was to simply uninstall the Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials then reinstall (both actions taken through DIM), I settled in with a good book and did so.

    Now here is where it gets weird.

    If I go into the "Products" section of the content library, there is no "Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials" product. That's fine, they had originally been located in "Genesis 3 Starter Essentials". Only, they aren't showing in that, either. The Genesis 3 Male Starter Essentials" products are, but in terms of all the G3F stuff that's supposed to be there? No actor, no Basic Wear, no Dark Storm Outfit, no Poses... Not even the Toulouse Hair that EVERY Starter Essentials comes with.

    Now, I *can* find the aformentioned Dark Storm Outfit under Daz Studio Assets > My Daz 3D Library > People > Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Dark Storm. The Toulouse Hair is under >> Genesis 3 Female > Hair > Toulouse Hair. So on and so forth. If I browse to file location, voile, the files are right there, in the proper folders corresponding to the library location.

    But this is the key point. If I select any of them and try to catagorize it so it will show up ANYWHERE else, it will already show as being in the locations I would want it. For example, the WEARABLES version of the complete Dark Storm Outfit shows as being in my _My Personal Library > Genesis 3 > Female > Outfits > Dark Storm in the "Catagorize" pop-up. But if I actually go to that location, that location is emptier than my wallet.

    I am so, so very confused. Has anyone actually encountered this one before?

    Let's work backwards... how did you uninstall the files?  If you installed via DIM, uninstall via DIM; if you installed via Daz Connect, uninstall by right clicking the product and selecting uninstall.  There are various places where files are installed so if you use a different method, you won't really uninstall the product.  The Daz Connect version contains some non user facing files i.e... files you are not supposed to mess with...reorganization is by categories and not moving the actual file so that updates continue to work.  Second, how did you break the files?

  • edited July 2017

    Thanks for the reply.

    I uninstalled through DIM. To elaborete: I opened it up and selected the third tab, showing all installed products. From there I clicked on the "Uninstall" button. To go further, I then did a right click and selected "Delete Package(s)".

    I am wondering if your suggestion of doing it via Daz Connect would have worked, as Genesis 3 Starter Essentials is part of the basic starting package that comes with Daz. I'll attempt removing Genesis 3 Starter Essentials (as that is where the original G3F files were located in the library, but which are now missing from. The G3M files are still there.) Perhaps that will restore the whole deal properly.

    As for breaking the original files that led to this mess, I was attempting to use Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 Pose Converter to convert them. I couldn't find instructions, so I was basically figuring things out by pushing buttons going "What does this do?" It converted them to G8F nicely... but didn't leave a G3F version behind. Dummy me, I should have duplicated the original files, and worked on the duplicates in a different file so as not to overwrite them. 20/20 hindsight...

    I'll report back on what happens when I do the Daz Connect uninstall, then reinstall.


    That did the trick. I had uninstalled and reinstalled incorrectly. The moment I did it the right way, thanks to you, it all snapped right back into place as it should be. Thanks very much, Nemesis!

    Post edited by sgtsareth_9eb6534c20 on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Products and Categories in the Content Library pane are linked to the database making them a sub-set of Smart Content, if your Smart Content isn't working neither will they.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    jestmart said:

    Products and Categories in the Content Library pane are linked to the database making them a sub-set of Smart Content, if your Smart Content isn't working neither will they.

    More accurately, Products, Categories, and Smart Content are all views of what's in the CMS database.  Producvts and Categories are not a subset of Smart Content.

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,620

    Alright. So this is a weird one, and I've looked through thread after thread seeing if I could find anyone else who has had this one come up.

    I managed to break a few files for Genesis 3 Female. These are some of the poses that come with the Genesis 3 Starter Essentials package. (Yes, I am an idiot.) Deciding the easiest way to fix the pooched poses was to simply uninstall the Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials then reinstall (both actions taken through DIM), I settled in with a good book and did so.

    Now here is where it gets weird.

    If I go into the "Products" section of the content library, there is no "Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials" product. That's fine, they had originally been located in "Genesis 3 Starter Essentials". Only, they aren't showing in that, either. The Genesis 3 Male Starter Essentials" products are, but in terms of all the G3F stuff that's supposed to be there? No actor, no Basic Wear, no Dark Storm Outfit, no Poses... Not even the Toulouse Hair that EVERY Starter Essentials comes with.

    Now, I *can* find the aformentioned Dark Storm Outfit under Daz Studio Assets > My Daz 3D Library > People > Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Dark Storm. The Toulouse Hair is under >> Genesis 3 Female > Hair > Toulouse Hair. So on and so forth. If I browse to file location, voile, the files are right there, in the proper folders corresponding to the library location.

    But this is the key point. If I select any of them and try to catagorize it so it will show up ANYWHERE else, it will already show as being in the locations I would want it. For example, the WEARABLES version of the complete Dark Storm Outfit shows as being in my _My Personal Library > Genesis 3 > Female > Outfits > Dark Storm in the "Catagorize" pop-up. But if I actually go to that location, that location is emptier than my wallet.

    I am so, so very confused. Has anyone actually encountered this one before?

    This is something that is happening because of Smart Content and Connect and because of Daz trying to make things easier for new users. Consequently, we are having all sorts of problems with Daz formatted content while the old Poser stuff shows right up. Sometimes new is not necessarly good. We need tools to fix Daz content and SmartContent and Connect.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    If you can get PostgreSQL to run stable then Smart Content and Connect will be stable.

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