Is this new to the Daz store site?

I was looking over items in the store and saw something a friend of mine might like to purchase and noticed that there was an option to share the link to the page with them.
Is this feature new to Daz? This is great :P
Yes, this is one of the new features the SKondris mentioned in his original thread about the new website, back on the old archived forum.
I really like this feature.
I need to look over the forums a bit better. I missed the thread you spoke about.
I found a product I liked and one I think a friend would like and shaired it with them.
Thank you for your reply :-)
Here is the thread that Chohole mentioned - :)
Thank you for the Link IanzThingz ;-)
You have found one of the 12 things that does work at the new DAZ!
Find all ALL 12 and win a coupon good for 90% off a feeling of satisfaction, good until 5-28-12 or till you try to use it!*
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*Not an actually contest- No prizes will be awarded- Satisfaction NOT guaranteed- Offer void on Earth- This post is an attempt to deal with frustration though the use of snarky humor.
Edited: I just noticed the small print