Using V4 Elite skins in Iray?

Another Iray newbie here. My question is about some of the older Elite sets for V4, like Marie, Lana, Natasha, etc. These sets all use the Elite Human Surface Shader, which is a version of the Omnifreaker HSS. The HSS still works well in DS 4.9 in 3Delight. Given that HSS was designed for 3Delight, am I better off not trying to use it at all in Iray? Should I just load up the texture maps and manually change everything to Iray surface settings, or is it reasonable to continue to tweak the HSS settings in Iray? These skin sets all have Diffuse, Bump, Specular maps, and the HSS uses SSS, Velvet, and so on that make 3Delight renders look very nice. I'm using 3 point disc lights in Iray with photometrics on. I have an interior scene. The render times using a NV 1060 + a Core i7 are quite reasonable. I just can't duplicate the look of the 3Delight render, which I was quite used to tweaking to get what I wanted.
I use NGS Anagenessis 2 shaders on a lot of generation 4 characters. It does a very nice job on them (just run the preset for Genesis.) Sometimes you have to tweak settings a little bit I've been pretty happy with the results right out of the box. There are a few other Iray skin converters in store that also do a good job. V3D Digitimes converters are pretty good.
You may have a look into the skin related threads in the forums.
Example: -->
The general mechanisms work well on V4 skins too. Of cause: First you have to apply the iRay Uber shader.
Then fiddle around with the parameters.
I did look at that thread. I decided not to derail that one, tho the questions and issues are somewhat related. In general, what I'm hearing is that I should dive headfirst into Iray specific shaders, and not waste time trying to tweak 3Delight HSS in Iray anymore. Naturally, I always try to do things the hard way first...
Thanks for the pointers. Converters wishlisted.
I really like a lot of the old textures combined with NGS2, but I didn't like the elite textures, I returned 'em; I'd be interested to see what you get from them. :)
I did find one convenient answer to this problem. Go look for a V4 character on sale that has Iray presets! I picked up SV7 Anjel on sale at Rendo for $5.00. That price is good till the 17th. She's got terminal cuteness, and several variations on the Iray settings. That gives me some starting settings I can use with other texture sets. I can just load up her presets, and then swap out the Diffuse maps. It looks like Anjel has a pretty complete set of files for Iray, including a Normal map. Still fiddling around, haven't had that much time to work on this yet.
The approach in my previous post does work. I did some renders with the Marie texture set (always one of my favorites) using all Iray settings borrowed from SV7 Anjel. I used the Marie Diffuse and Bump maps, but the Anjel Specular and Normal maps. I used the Sun-Sky Only lighting and a background image photo. I think Marie is the only Elite texture set that came with a full body and face morph. The only thing in these renders that doesn't have Iray presets is the Beautiful Black Hair Styles from Neftis.
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