Since the 3rd of November 2010 we at JAS have notched up 165 pages spread over two threads, full of laughs, great renders and off topic discussions. So with the new forums we have a new Jas thread.
If you like Jack’s work why not pop in a render to show your appreciation for the quality and workmanship Jack puts in to his products. Plus he is a nice chap too what more could we ask for. Many PA’s (Published Artist) like to see their creations being used, it must be a rewarding experience. But we all have oour favourites Jack is mine, :P
For prosperity here are the links to that first two JAS threads.
PS The above links are not working yet, As soon as the old site goes back to read only they should work again.
Try these:
Just add the word archive after forum on any of the old links and they work fine :-)
Sweet thanks for the tip all working now. :)
It only took a week and we are back with a forum, working links and Image uplaods. Okay Images are still limited to 600x600 but off site links are allowed also.
Thank you Szark for starting this again. I'm working on a render for a contest that has a JT item so I'll post it when I finish.
It's so good to be back.:coolsmile:
It only took a week and we are back with a forum, working links and Image uplaods. Okay Images are still limited to 600x600 but off site links are allowed also.
Thank you Szark for starting this again. I'm working on a render for a contest that has a JT item so I'll post it when I finish.
It's so good to be back.:coolsmile:Yes I haven't been a regular for a few months but I said I would make a new one.:)
Hehehe me too, one cooking overnight for a comp, will show it next week sometime. I am using one of Jacks older items. Mind you with the lighting it is hard to tell what it is. :)
Thanks, Szark, for the grand opening of the Jack Tomalin Appreciation-thread!! :cheese:
I was looking forward to this.
Ohhhh, news!!! I got some visitors at my flickr-page, when I render a scifi-themed picture with Jack's futuristic neo-gothic bridge, and a Vanguard with two Ironstars. In just two days I got over 200 views...!! :ohh:
The page is here, btw...----> A bridge too far 1
Edit (first time): At present I got 805 views. And I have absolutely no idea how this happened! Usually I don't get this many views on my renders, at most a dozen or less.
mr. szark :)
have a question, how can I get the link my old thread?
if u have it bookmarked, simply change the start of the link from forum.daz3d.com to forumarchive.3d.com HTH :-)
Sweet, the JAS lives!
Thanks for doing the honours Szark!
Glad to hear it's popular - it's a nice image, good work :)
@ Norse. My pleasure and cool pic.
@cosmo as IanzThingzs said. If you have your old link then just add the word "archive" and all should work.
@Jack for you, for us it is no trouble. :)
Just posting to ay hi
Well, it became the number one most viewed item at my page, ever. I mean, it beat every other item I uploaded, and passed with a solid margin (up to 858).
Nice to see you, Jack!!! :coolsmile:
Hi! :)
if u have it bookmarked, simply change the start of the link from forum.daz3d.com to forumarchive.3d.com HTH :-)
haven`t bookmarked my old thread :( it is goooooooone forever :( :( :(
I am stupid...please help,
how do I get my thread link as name of my thread underneath my posts?
have forgotten that :red:
haven`t bookmarked my old thread :( it is goooooooone forever :( :( :(
here you go http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=165987
but the images are not showing.
Hit the Quote button on this post and you will see the formating.
Samples of my renders by cosmo
haven`t bookmarked my old thread :( it is goooooooone forever :( :( :(
here you go http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=165987
but the images are not showing.
you can view the images by adding forumarchive.daz3d.com before the link in the post eg: add it before postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg to give http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg and ur picture is there. example link > A Cosmo Render
here you go http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=165987
but the images are not showing.
you can view the images by adding forumarchive.daz3d.com before the link in the post eg: add it before postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg to give http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg and ur picture is there. example link > A Cosmo Render
more complicated is not possible
here you go http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=165987
but the images are not showing.
you can view the images by adding forumarchive.daz3d.com before the link in the post eg: add it before postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg to give http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg and ur picture is there. example link > A Cosmo Render
more complicated is not possible
It would have been a lot better if they left the domain name as it was, certainly :-)
you can view the images by adding forumarchive.daz3d.com before the link in the post eg: add it before postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg to give http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_2956046.jpg and ur picture is there. example link > A Cosmo Render
more complicated is not possible
well I am not an expert but... the old forum and all what is in it is saved somewhere, right? so all they have to do is to make a button to get to the old forum (just readable) or are the images saved somewhere else?
It would have been a lot better if they left the domain name as it was, certainly :-)
The problem is that the old forum is now only read only, and unless you are logged in then images are not visible, but as yet it is not possible to log in to the old forum, so what I have posted is currently the only workaround i think.
technology is a fine thing
LOL, when it works ;-)
LOL, when it works ;-)
Exactly.. and when it doesn't... !
You wait a week for the forums to open.......
Jack are you back yet from your Honeymoon?
How did it go btw and hows your foot now?
I am, yes :)
It was brilliant thanks - Italy was lovely and my leg managed to hold up fairly well, considering all the walking we did.
The foot is getting better, less swollen than it was when we left - to the point where I can actually put my rigger boots on and potter in the garden :)
How are things your end?
I am slowly emerging from the darkness of depression, but slowly. I don't have a car now so eveythings has gotten harder. At least Asda etc deliver now so that is what I am doing. I managed to render an image for Dreamlight's monthy. Thanks for asking Jack. I have managed to get some motivation and got some major garden jobs done. Though I am paying the pain price now for it. Seeing the work done does put a smile on my face which is nice.
So all in all things aren't too bad, getting better by the week.