Pose problem (someting wrong with tails)

edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hi guys. I m having a little (i hope ) problem. :lol:

in daz studio generaly im using poses and maniplulate them for interations with envoritment.
Now im working on realistic fur but this issue make me crazy .:roll:


why tails looking weird? how i m gonna fix this?
Please help. Thanks

And sorry my english


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I have that kinking problem sometimes as well. I'll have to think how I corrected it. It should have nothing to do with the fur, it's a problem with the model.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    I've had that with home-made models rigged in Studio. The cause is IK and the solution I found was to remove the tail IK in Studio, save as a new .cr2 then apply an IK chain in Carrara.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    I've had that with home-made models rigged in Studio. The cause is IK and the solution I found was to remove the tail IK in Studio, save as a new .cr2 then apply an IK chain in Carrara.

    Ugh! But then I'd have to open Studio! I hate the interface. No matter how I try and customize it, it's still so, so- Studio-ish... ;-)

    I did get rid of it once in Carrara, but that was a long time ago. I'll have to experiment with it to see what I did.

  • edited March 2013

    Roygee said:
    I've had that with home-made models rigged in Studio. The cause is IK and the solution I found was to remove the tail IK in Studio, save as a new .cr2 then apply an IK chain in Carrara.

    I can try that. but could you explain the 2nd part?
    I know daz not bad. but in carrara stil noob

    I turned off IK (edit/figure/IK or ctrl + k)
    set up the pose, export .cr2 file.

    but i dont understand "apply ik chain"

    Post edited by Knuckles The RedLion on
  • edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    I've had that with home-made models rigged in Studio. The cause is IK and the solution I found was to remove the tail IK in Studio, save as a new .cr2 then apply an IK chain in Carrara.

    Ugh! But then I'd have to open Studio! I hate the interface. No matter how I try and customize it, it's still so, so- Studio-ish... ;-)

    I did get rid of it once in Carrara, but that was a long time ago. I'll have to experiment with it to see what I did.

    i hope you can remember

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    but i dont understand “apply ik chain”

    Assuming you still want to have a smooth bend in the tail without having to manipulate separate bones to get the effect:)

    With the .cr2 loaded in Carrara, select the first bone in the tail, then select the two chain links in the left hand part of the screen, then select the last bone in the tail. This will give you a blue line connecting the base of the tail to the tip. It will also give you a blue box, which is the target helper. I prefer to delete that and replace it with a target helper object., if I'm going to use one. In this case, I don't think a target helper object would be very useful.

    Now, if you select and move the tip of the tail bone, you should get a smooth curve in the tail.

  • edited March 2013

    could you show a little pics please (a video would be more help) :) ?
    I found the places you are said but i think i keep missing someting because i cant see that smooth curve :(

    Post edited by Knuckles The RedLion on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, can't do a video, my machine is too puny for live screen capture:)

    Here's a pic of the Daz panther where I put an IK chain in the tail - not the greatest example because it only has four bones, but should give you an idea of how smooth you can get the bend using IK.

    Maybe if we took it step-by-step?

    Fistly, do you get the blue connecting line and the box when you set IK?

    1024 x 768 - 112K
  • edited December 1969

    Yes :) I can get it. (Thanks by the way)

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Glad you got it sorted:)

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