C8.1 Pro locks on loading a JPEG into Displacement

Title says it all. Every time I try loading a JPEG into the Displacement channel on a shader, both cores go to 100% and Carrara locks up. I even waited 1/2 an hour, no joy.
Known bug, or am I doing something wrong? I'm loading the JPEG via the Displacement tab on the shader...
I haven't experienced that myself, but could you please post...
1). Operating system
2). RAM
I'm sure someone may be able to help you.
Best of luck!
Happened to me also. Try re-starting Carrara or re-booting your system. Works for me.
OS: Win7 64-bit
Right now I'm just experimenting with bump settings, but I'm really not happy with the bump mapping in C8. Urgh.
Happened to me also. Try re-starting Carrara or re-booting your system. Works for me.
I tried restarting, no joy. I'll try rebooting later. Thanks!
HI Woolyloach :)
any chance of more info, and maybe screen-shots , I know it's tricky right now with the forum size limit of 800 x 800.
Just a shot of the displacement settings.
maybe some info about the model you're using displacement on, ..or a pic of that.
So far I can't replicate carrara crashing by adding a Jpeg to the displacement.
Also,.. have you tried using a Normal map instead of a Bump map ?
do you have auto update checked on the preview window?
I find that an utter no-no working with dispacement
also displace in 3D view, smoothing and subdivision add time for the preview to work.
Rebooted. Turned off texture spooling and anything resembling a problem child.
C8.1 still locks up hard. Displacement qualifies as broken.
Well, C8 works well enough for now while I save up for C4D Broadcast and InterPoser.
Are you trying to load a jpeg or a jpg ?
I've never had the problem and practically live in the shader room lol
HI Woolyloach :)
Any chance of some steps to reproduce this...
As I said "above", I can't get it to hang or even have issues if i use a jpg image.
What's the model you're using. ?
What's the jpg, ?
What are your setting in the displacement shader. ?
took a few minutes to load but Carrara even coped with one of those massive NASA Blue Marble elevation images, the 25000 pixel ones!
I even paint with 3D paint enabling displacement in 3D view using now, a 4000x4000 map and did so on my craptop too albeit only 2000x2000 there!
there must be something you are doing different.
Try making sure that it's really a jpg. I sometimes have this issue if I'm working in an image editor such as Photoshop and want to Save As and type my file name (including extension) and forget to change the file type in the Save As dialogue. Usually happens when I'm overtired.