Tauran III - The Big Bull HD in iray

Hi All

Alitttle help please, I am new to DS so there are a lot of things I dont know but working my way along them.

Anyway I just got Tauran III - The Big Bull HD.

looks really good. But the hair (LAMH) will not show in iray renders.

am I doing something wrong? is there a work around or is it that it will not work in iray?

As always thanks ahead of time




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    To use LaMH hair and fur in Iray it needs to be exported as OBJ - the render-time fur is purely 3Delight. Alessandro and Kendall are working to improve this, according to their psots to the main LaMH thread.

  • myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627

    that was fast.

    many thanks

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