Weird character issue

Anyone seen this before? It cropped up on a G3F character recently, and I assumed it was a broken character, mistake in images or something. Now it's cropped up on a 2nd character so I think it's something systemic. I plan to reinstall G3F essentials to see if it fixes it but would still like to know WT*.

636 x 500 - 87K
Normally, I'd associate something like this with a slight difference in surface settings from one zone to another. Use the surface tab to look for differences in the settings. I'm not familiar with the G3F UV maps tho.
So would I but I looked through settings for first time it happened & nada. Checked like 3 times. No question marks. Now it just cropped up in 3rd material. It's something systemic I think.
Yeah just checked surfaces tab in 3rd instance of this happening & no question marks. Weird. I hope reinstalling G3F fixes this.
But no you're right that's definitely the seam between maps.
Well I just dropped in data folder from fresh extract of G3F & that didn't fix it. Only file I didn't replace was G3F dsf itself because I was afraid that would overwrite all the customizations I've made to my G3F (I create morph aliases for everything in hip node).
It usually the result of one of the textures, often specular, not having the same gamma setting as the others. Go through the textures and check with Image Editor option (click on little image block in channel).
Jestmart, I could kiss you. That was it, in the specular image, gamma for arms was set to 1 instead of 0. You are the man. Any idea how this started? Where is this setting even stored?
I recently had to adjust the gamma in render settings, because DS just up and decided to totally change the look of my renders one day after I rolled back from my most recent install of 4.9. Might that have something to do with this?
Shouldn't gamma on the images be either 1.0 for non-colour data or 2.2 for colour data, or does DS treat it more like an on/off toggle using 1/0?