Gotta Roll back a version... where you stashing 'em?

Couldn't find the 4.9.3 package in the product library, but I noticed to my horror that 4.9.4 turned < 3 minute renders into 20+ minute renders... no idea why, but I need a previously-known-good version of DS to confirm and test against.
So if y'all got a download point for 4.9.3 (Mac, 64-bit), I'd love to grab hold of the package.
Post edited by Penguinisto on
Older versions are not available, so if you didn't save the old installer you'll have to submit a bug report without the comparison.
Crap... they used to give access (on request) to the versions one or two back :(
Thank Heavens there's still export to .rib
When did you last update your graphics card driver? The last few D|S updates included an Iray update from NVidia which needs a "recent" NVidia driver. Can't remember the exact cutoff point, but anything dating from last year or before is probably too old. The increase in time might be due to your graphics card being ignored as Iray falls back to using your CPU to render, which is much slower.
That was the first thing I thought of when things bogged down (note - it's the same story in IRay and 3Delight.)
I'll give re-installing a go since I didn't update the driver until after the DS install.
While waiting for the download, I was able to fool around with it a touch... seems it renders just fine minus UberEnvironment (UE2) lights in 3Delight (didn't have time to test Iray minus all the bells and whistles.)
Should also mention that all non-SSS shaders render just fine - just hangs up on SSS shaders (e.g. skin). It does eventually render, but instead of a 0:30 to 1:00 wait before the SSS surfaces start rendering, now it's 4-5 minutes (or worse... usually worse.)
So, I downloaded DS and re-installed it. Doesn't look promising. :/
Penguinisto, are you manually downloading your stuff or are you using the install manager?
updates have broken so many plugins
isnt that a reason for access to older versions ?
To update...
I use manual download (because I try to minimize Internet connectivity from any application. Satellite Internet comes with bandwidth caps, so...)
As a small FYI, here's where I am so far: I' tried using Time Machine to overwrite DS from a previous backed-up version, including every Library folder and .plist I could scrounge.
Turns out I had a zillion GB of cache files... and upon reflection, I realized that it's been four years since the hard drive had been flushed/filled on this laptop, so I decided to heck with it - I nuked the HDD from orbit, and am restoring (from an external discreet-item backup disk) only what I want/need. I'll install DS $latest from scratch. Will update as I continue.
Okay - all installed, tested against a known good, and... even with a completely clean install, SSS shaders are going splat during render in 3Delight render. Actually, the damned thing picked up and started rendering (hallelujah!)
Haven't tried Iray stuff yet.
...rats. Opened a G8 figure, a basic UE2 light, and... splat. SSS shaders bung it all up again.
Okay... after a bit more testing, it's gotta be a problem with Gen 8. The older stuff (G3 all the way down to Posette) renders just fine in 3Delight, with SSS (on Genesis figures) or not (pretty much everything else), with or without UE2.
I'm going to futz around with Gen 8 for a bit and see what's going on.
Assuming this is still rendering in 3Delight, are you applying the 3Delight materials to the G8F? All G3 and G8 figures load by default with Iray materials — I know Iray will have a go at auto-converting if you feed it 3Delight materials, but I'm not sure how much sense 3Delight can make of Iray materials.
I think it's the materials. Had this problem even in 4.8. Just switched to 4.9 (finally) a few days ago and even though I 'converted' the iray to 3dl via a script on a g3m with SSS and its clothes something didn't take and a 9 minute render turned into one that I stopped at 50% after 45 minutes.
You shouldn't need to convert anything, I don't think there have been any characters released in the store here with Iray materials that didn't also include 3Delight materials. Have you looked in the /G3M/Materials/ folder?
Turns out it was the materials. I plopped in a default G8 and started over (extra glad I saved the migrated custom G3F morph). That said, it really borked up the render settings (though even when forced to default, it killed render times.)
On the plus side, the laptop runs pretty snappy after blowing away 4 years of cache and cruft (I guess I could've just hunted it all down, but nah - this was faster, and I got to test my backup routines to boot.)
Yes, in this scene for this specific figure there were 3DL materials, I used the script on the clothes. But I've had trouble using supplied 3DL materials applied over iray as loaded before as well. Perhaps, and I've tried this, a figure loaded with iRay should be converted to daz default THEN apply the 3dl materials.