DIM installing..and not?

I have DIM set to delete the package after it installs content.  But every now and them I am noticing something odd.  Let's say I have package xyz that I bought from a third party site.  It's in a dim friendly format so I place it in the DIM insally folder and open DIM.  DIM shows it right away, anI click install and it seems fine.  But the file isn't deleted.  If I leave the file in the install folder and close and reopen dim, or tell it to refresh - it will show the package in the ready to install list for about three seconds and then suddenly doesn't show it anymore.   But again, the package zip file is still in the install folder.  Out of curiousity I unzipped the folder, went into the content and manually cut and pasted it into the daz folder - and it will come up as duplicate files, as if it is indeed already installed.. but it will belike 100 files and 75 duplicates. So it seems like it is only partially installing?  I am very confused, especially as there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to if it will install perfectly or act up like this.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Does the DIM log give any error messages?

    If you look in the manifest.dsx in the .zip, does it list all the files that are supposed to be there?

    As for displaying the item in Ready to Install for a few seconds and then having it disappear, that may be the result of working online, since the product isn't actually from the Daz store.  It should work correctly if you launch DIM in offline mode.

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