Testing...tap..tap..tap. Is this thing working?



  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,667

    You are doing some awesome renders with your new program dHandle!!!

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    You are doing some awesome renders with your new program dHandle!!!

    Thanks Saphire!

    I'm still struggling with material zones.  I've tried 3-4 times and haven't got a dHandle on it yet.    : )

    In the meantime, I tried a few different environments and perspectives.  I also played with render settings.




    900 x 506 - 328K
    900 x 506 - 306K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow, that is really cool!  I hate you for making me want this program even more now lol!!

    Its going to have to wait though, I will just have to live vicariously through what you are doing.  I am determined to finish learning Carrara at least before moving on and trying other stuff.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Yep, those are definitely cool!  I'm with Sonja.  Now, I'm wanting to see what Rayfire can do and I want to play!  Not that I can afford it, but I still want it.  Keep up the good work.  I love seeing what you are doing with it.

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    Wow, that is really cool!  I hate you for making me want this program even more now lol!!

    Its going to have to wait though, I will just have to live vicariously through what you are doing.  I am determined to finish learning Carrara at least before moving on and trying other stuff.

    Thanks Sonja.  I'm having a blast fiddling around with it.  I'm learning more about Studio and Max in the process! 

    You know what...I should go back and take a closer look at Carrara since I got a computer upgrade that could probably handle it now.  When I tried it on my old Computer, every time I tried to load a prop or make an adjustment of any kind, it got hung up and lagged for like...15 minutes.  I abandoned it in disgust.  But maybe now...

    : )


  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    Yep, those are definitely cool!  I'm with Sonja.  Now, I'm wanting to see what Rayfire can do and I want to play!  Not that I can afford it, but I still want it.  Keep up the good work.  I love seeing what you are doing with it.

    Thanks KM!

    I finally figured out how to do the material zones.  I created Material IDs for the new surfaces, and assigned a material.  Here is my latest attempt.  Unfortunately, you can't really notice much, but at least there are no awkward geometric shapes ruining the effect. 

    What I haven't figured out is if I can go back to the previous saved projects and create new material zones.  I kinda doubt it.  I looked at it, and to the best of my knowledge it seems that if I want to do that, I have to do it manually.  That means I have to click on each and every surface on each and every fragment and assign a new material ID number.  There are hundreds of fragments with maybe 6-10 surfaces on each one!

    The only way to do it is to assign material IDs to them when they are created if you want to avoid a massive manual undertaking!

    Still, I will take a look and see if I can figure something out.

    For this render, I decided to use the same Tower, but rather than have a collision where the newly created fragments were thrown outward like an explosion, I let gravity supply the force.  The tower roof simply collapsed, and the pieces fell to the ground when I started the simulation.  As always, I picked a frame I liked, and exported it as an .obj, then imported it into Studio.

    So..it looks like the dragon tried to land and perch on the tower roof, which couldn't bear his weight



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  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    Here's my last attempt for the Dragon Tower.  I redid the last one with better lighting.  You can see that the original roofing tiles are visible in some fragments, and the inner faces have a different material...a stone texture.

    For the 2nd render, I used a wood texture for the inner faces.  I didn't bother adding dragons to this one, so it looks like a bomb went off in the attic!


    900 x 506 - 218K
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  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    I thought I would take a break from blowing things up, etc, and do another fan art scene from Wonder Woman. 

    This one is a 3DL render.  It looks typical of my attempts at realism using 3DL:  Too cartoony.  I prefer more realistic looking results, but I have a lot of trouble achieving that look.


    I also tried to render this out in Iray, and didn't like the results at all.  It will probably require quite a bit of adjustments, especially lighting and background scene

    900 x 506 - 251K
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  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    "A Story Begging to Be Told"



    I actually had something much different in mind when I started this.  I made the mistake of playing with the randomizer to get a new character, and the pose randomizer.  Was too interesting to not take a break from my initial vision, and explore the possibilities.

    At some point, I'm going to have to get back to the original idea.

    900 x 506 - 265K
    Post edited by dHandle on
  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited August 2017

    I saw the contest over in the Commons forum, Free Giveaway! Collective3d Long Island Mansion! [COMMERCIAL], and thought I'd try to work something up using Rayfire. (of course!)

    I used 2 sets: https://www.daz3d.com/collective3d-portrait-vignettes-old-west-2 and https://www.daz3d.com/collective3d-portrait-vignettes-old-west-4

    I took the table into 3ds Max to see if I could break it apart easily like in an Old West barroom brawl scene.  It came out ok.  I imported it back into Studio, and used the original textures. I didn't have to create new material zones because the existing material transferred to the new polygons, and it didn't look half bad.  If I was being thorough, or if I was preparing a commercial production, I would have experimented to check different looks and see what really looked best.

    As it was, I decided to submit an entry the day before the contest closed, so I really didn't have a lot of time to experiment, and had to settle for "good enough".

    Here's an interesting observation.  I spent 5-6 hours working that entire render up, and doing postwork.  The Rayfire part took about 20 minutes.  Once you get the workflow down, it's not that difficult to at least get something useable.

    Could it be better? 


    Title" "Queen takes Queen; BLAM!"  (An Old West shoot-out reimagined.)


    900 x 506 - 132K
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  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I do love that Randomizer lol.  It can suck up hours!  Love the broken table scene, it certainly makes things more believable.  I'm putting this on my wishlist but it will probably have to wait til next year.

    Your story waiting to be told, is quite evocative, there is definitely a story there!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Yep, once I start, I have a hard time stopping myself.  I'm always thinking just one more.  Nice images.  I love the "Story Begging to be Told" image.  It turned out good despite it not being what you had intended to create.  That happens sometimes and you just have to roll with it.  Sometimes, what comes out is something great.  You definitely ended up with something worth keeping and being proud of.  :)

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    Your story waiting to be told, is quite evocative, there is definitely a story there!

    Thanks, Sonja.

    You know what?  I actually thought about starting a thread with a theme something like "Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, but we want the thousand words, too!" where people post a render, then they post a short story (1000 words was just an example) to go with it to fill in the blanks suggested by the picture. 

    I've noticed we have a lot of writers around here, and people doing book covers, etc.  This kind of workshop exercise could serve to stimulate creativity, and overcome writers' block, or just plain simple inertia!n  You know what I mean!  The "I fully intend to write a novel someday; I just can't seem to get moving on it..." kind of inertia.

     Was just a thought...

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,148

    That would be great fun!  Or perhaps someone can post a render as a story prompt, and other respond with 1000 words or so related to the render.

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    That would be great fun!  Or perhaps someone can post a render as a story prompt, and other respond with 1000 words or so related to the render.

    yep...like that!  Lots of possibilities!

    Could maybe make it a contest (1 time or repeating), get sponsors, offer prizes...

    You know what else!?  It might give me a reason to stop just collecting freebies and stuff from the store, and actually use the stuff!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I like the idea!

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited September 2017

    Been away for a while...school (along with soccer season) started and I'm back at it.

    I've been watching "The 100" on Netflix. I liked the opening intro, and thought I would try working up a version of it.  There are different versions for the different seasons.  Mine is a blend of a couple of them, but mostly season 2.  (just the first 3-4 seconds before it moves on)

    I'm not really satisfied with it...still needs work.  I have to get a handle on managing textures between 3DS Max and Studio.  But it's a start.

    I should really try making an animated version like the series intro.


    900 x 506 - 365K
    Post edited by dHandle on
  • Very cool!

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    Thanks Sonja!

    Oh,  I think I forgot to mention...

    Of course I used Rayfire to fragment the zeros in the title logo.

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617
    edited September 2017

    Tweaking colors and the lens flare...


    900 x 600 - 381K
    Post edited by dHandle on
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