Zbrush Bridge (GoZ) and Photoshop CC Bridge not Available in DS 4.9 on OS X 10.12.6

Does anyone know how to get these plugins re-installed & working. I am on the very latest version of DS 4.9, as of June 2017.
I remember having them up until this version. But they seem to have dissapeared from my "Send To" etc......and if I try to install them from my product page on DAZ (where they are listed as available as a DIM dpownload/install), howvere DIM starts looking them, then returns a blank! Nada.
I have always had Photoshop and Zbrush installed ever since I started with DAZ Studio properly with Ver. 4.5 on my iMac.
I run DS mainly on my iMac where they have just dissapeared. However, on my Windows PC running DS 4.7 they are still there and active???????
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Have you tried downloading with DIM, rather than from your product library?
Yes I have. I typed "GoZ" in the filter box, even tried "Zbrush" and nothing appears. Same for Photoshop.
Do you know what I need to type in the Filter area to get them to appear in DIM?
What do you have checked in Download Filters?
You won't believe this.....however, your question prompted me to take another look. Checked all the Download (Application) Filters, all OK.
It was then that I noticed that the "Display Hidden" box was unchecked! Checked the box and not only did all of the Public Beta stuff appear, so did GoZ & the Photoshop Bridge!
Installed and they are both working now, thx.
Thank you for helping. I do feel a bit of a twit tho' :) :)
Don't understand why they are set to Hidden tho'......