How to save partial morph from geometry editor?

I used the morph editing feature from the geometry editor to make a partial version of a head morph that doesn't affect the lower parts of the face, but when I save the scene, it reloads with the full version of the morph.  I recreated the partial morph and tried saving it as a new morph using save as->support asset->morph asset, but there was no trace of the partial morph there.  So, how on earth do I save something like that?  Please help!


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I suppose you use Favorite>then remove morph effect with selected vertices.

    Once you remove morph effect which not include other vertices , save as morph not work?  

    it may need to test, and report (if it not work), but anyway most relialbe way is export current pirtail effect morphed shape as obj, then re-import it by morph loader. it should work.

    then, I usually not use this option to make pirtial morph for body. because it can not offer smooth transition. just remove effect selected vertex to zero or full .

     I prefer add new D-foermer weight map but not for D-former, just to make weight map which can limit morph effect (attanuate) first,

    then import FBM by morph loader pro,  with attenuate option ( select the D-former weight map to attenuate). it can offer smooth transitoin correspond to your colored weight map and offer good pirtail morph.  (eg about genesis 8, daz offer template, with D-former weight map, which  colored for head part only to import and make as Head morph from FBM)

  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146

    Yeah, I was using the favorite and then clear morph from selected vertices.  As for using morph loader, I just tried that, and it loaded fine, but saving as a morph asset failed.  According to the log, it was a case 0f failing to create the path.  Is there anything that can be done about that?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    What settings were you using in the options dialogue when saving the morph asset?

  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but if you're referring to the window named 'Morph Asset(s) Save Options', I had the partial morphs and it's parents in the dropdown list checked (If it matters, said parents are Genesis 3 Female > Morphs > Morph Loader).  I also had compress files checked and the Asset Directory was set  to 'C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Content'.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    You should not be using the C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Content folde as a content directory at all - Window sprotects the Program Files location and that can cause all kinds of issues.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526


     When save as morph, We only need to set  sub-drectory paths of  the  "figure / morph"  in data. (DS auto detect, "morph"  path as relative)

    so your ds root contents directory have been set  to 'C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Content'" ?  it is wrong path. 

    how you install daz contents and aprication?   if you have used DIM, you can un-install once, then change install path from DIM.

    if not, I recommend, use DIM to re-install ds and contents, and set contents path correctly. check DIM documents carefully.

    I think, daz is erally fool about to show how to install correctly. in official page. when I click link , it link to me

    the most important step for new user, is simply download DIM first then install ds and contents from DIM, I believe, why there is no clear discribe about it in link page?

    daz really think about CM things, but do not understand how easy to guide user. ,it after all take user time much.

  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146
    edited July 2017

    What should I be using for my main content directory, then?


    EDIT: Also, I have not previously used the DIM.  Where should I install that?

    Post edited by Cowrie on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited July 2017

    Have you already many contents which installed by manually? 

    I do not know clear, how you currently set up daz studio, and daz library.

    I am windows 10 64bit PC user.

    I install DIM as default location, , (it is still 32 bit aprication,,I do not know why daz still offer main install aprication as 32bit only)

    DIM path is, C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D

    then I install daz aprication for my main ssd drive, (default location, I believe)

    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4

    you can set path by DIM, download directory(just to keep files as zip, there is option, to delete zip after install package)

    and can set path to install contents = (daz library path)  by DIM setting tab.

    I do not know other user use default location, or not, but I use another HD drrive to install daz contents. (which have more space for my pc)

    you can choose anywhere, but not install contents in windows program directory. DIM default is may be OK.

    if you hope to load contents quick may better use default loation, or use main drive (if you have ssd), to understand detail,

    please see DIM document or daz you tube about DIM, I am very nervous to guide those setting things, without seeing all step. (And we can not)

    if you have feel something wrong ask here all step.(not hurry up, and try withotu confirm)

    I do not know, clear at current which way daz recommend, (first install daz studio ,then install DIM or install DIM and download daz stuido from DIM, and download contents)

    But I bleive, for new user (or who have not used DIM ) frist install DIM and download daz stuido from DIM, DAZ document is simply foolish enough about those things. (so that daz can not change and do not know what is real usable infomation.  it is shame as company)

    just mix and put here or there, different ways .

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146
    edited July 2017

    By Daz library path do you mean 'This PC>Documents>DAZ 3D>Studio>My Library'?

    Also, when uninstalling Daz from my current directory, do I use the normal unistaller, or is there a special way to do it with the DIM?  In either case, will I have to reinstall all my third party content manually, or will it reinstall automatically?

    Post edited by Cowrie on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited July 2017

    The library path is not DIM default. but if you hope to use It , you need to set path in DIM setting. 

    DIM can auto-detect daz studio,  I believe those things is discribed in the above link. and DIM manuall.

    once you install app(eg daz studio) from DIM, you can use DIM to un-install, or up-date, without manually download DS. (DIM auto serch up-date content, or beta app

    if you already bought (as free) them. (in cart from product page)


     about third prity contents, you need not delete them . But  if they are already installed in program directory, just copy and paste the root directory,(Contents) rename it

    as you like, then move to another directory. 

    ithen you can set thoes library path in daz stuido setting.  (after all you use DIM, you need to set your library path (which you set in dim) in daz studio too.

    it is my setting, as you know, I have 3 library at current. one is for DIM main. and another library is I made for other shop (those items can not install by DIM,

    or need another setting (not daz officially suport those things) .


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    913 x 727 - 96K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Then I really feel,  (almost angry), disappointed,  why daz still offer  such complex wip documents as officiakl manuall for DIM ?     really annoying to checjk document even though I already know how it work..  it is not about OP question but no man power can not be execution.

    DAZ really often up-date product page. just use those man power to offer  clean realiable manuall, with good arrangement, to user can easy find them. 

    or I must stop to buy contents from DAZ.


  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146
    edited July 2017

    Wait, is the path I described the library directory or isn't it?

    Post edited by Cowrie on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited July 2017

    The defaults are

    Documets/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library


    Public Documents/My Daz 3D Library

    with the latter being used by Install Manager and the former being the default for saved files. My Documents and Public Docuemnts will use the locations of those folders when DS/DIM were installed.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • CowrieCowrie Posts: 146

    Okay, thanks for all the help!

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