Prometheus and M5

Has anyone seen the movie Prometheus? ... There is a giant humanoid character that they discover on the alien site on the planet. As soon as I saw him, I thought he looked just like M5. Anyone else seen this ?
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Has anyone seen the movie Prometheus? ... There is a giant humanoid character that they discover on the alien site on the planet. As soon as I saw him, I thought he looked just like M5. Anyone else seen this ?
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Is this a movie in the theaters currently?
Here in Australia it is.
I checked and it is here too, but I have not seen it yet.
The revealed alien "Engineers" from "Prometheus" are very striking, but I doubt M5 was involved in their creation, if that's what you're asking. And don't watch the movie thinking you're going to see a faithful prequel to the "Alien" franchise -- what you're going to get is more a revisioning or a reboot that borrows heavily from the original without being confined by it. Aside from the visuals, I didn't care for it at all...
I loved some aspects of the movie, e.g. the special effects and the overall idea behind the movie. The plot seemed very cluttered, though, with some threads of it going nowhere. In particular, Charlize Theron's character seemed completely unnecessary.
Re the M5-look-alike creature, I didn't necessarily suggest that it was actually based on M5, however I was struck by its superficial resemblance.
I think I'll go and see it again, if for no other reason I was blown away by the special effects. Besides, I missed the first 10 minutes.
his face looked more M4 to me
The revealed alien "Engineers" from "Prometheus" are very striking, but I doubt M5 was involved in their creation, if that's what you're asking. And don't watch the movie thinking you're going to see a faithful prequel to the "Alien" franchise -- what you're going to get is more a revisioning or a reboot that borrows heavily from the original without being confined by it. Aside from the visuals, I didn't care for it at all...
I saw it and was blown away. I found it extremely faithful and satisfying as a prequel. You do remember Ridley Scott saying that it's not a direct prequel, but only set IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. He's wanting to start a new saga that ties into the Alien universe mythos without merging with the Alien movie franchise.
The revealed alien "Engineers" from "Prometheus" are very striking, but I doubt M5 was involved in their creation, if that's what you're asking. And don't watch the movie thinking you're going to see a faithful prequel to the "Alien" franchise -- what you're going to get is more a revisioning or a reboot that borrows heavily from the original without being confined by it. Aside from the visuals, I didn't care for it at all...
Engineers where described in the books and shown in comics over 15 - 20+ years ago, back when M1 was still a dream.
Its actually quite faithful to the IP, and its long been known, most of what that movie entailed where in books and official Dark Horse cannon. Oddly enough, Prometheus is almost plagerised from an old Aliens: Colonial Marines novel seires (Can't remember the name), a colonial marine sargent and a scientist battle an engineer throughout three or so novels trying to keep a disaster (Same as in the movie) from reaching earth.
Ahh... I thought the idea sounded very familer to me. Now I just might have to see how well it was done.
I saw it and was blown away. I found it extremely faithful and satisfying as a prequel. You do remember Ridley Scott saying that it's not a direct prequel, but only set IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. He's wanting to start a new saga that ties into the Alien universe mythos without merging with the Alien movie franchise.
There were two ways to go with this: either a straight-up prequel, or a total reboot. As a prequel, I'm calling it a failure; as a reboot, I'm calling it interesting but unsatisfying. The story was originally supposed to be a faithful prequel -- and then they handed the script off to another writer who took a hatchet to it on the premise that "we already know how this story ends, and knowing how the story ends is boring". You've got the moon around the ringed gas giant; you've got the Space Jockeys and their ship; you've got the supersized facehugger wannabe; and the proto-queen chest-burster; and you've even got the original Weyland -- and yet, this is NOT supposed to lead us into the original 1979 "Alien" movie. Prequel fail.
I loved the movie - I didn't think the alien looked anything like M5 or any daz character, but it would be fun to have one to render with the extreme sss they used :)
People get so serious about these movies and instead of just enjoying it, they feel the need to tear it apart. Whatever - I thought it was cool and I can't wait to buy it on Bluray in 3D :)
"People get so serious about these movies and instead of just enjoying it, they feel the need to tear it apart."
Disagree totally. Films with any depth will make people think, and as a result of that people enjoy analyzing it.
I collect all things Alien, even those Predator Vs Alien cross overs. I will have to add it to my Movie collection.
Well, it may be fun for some to 'analyze' the movies, but for me it's just fun to experience it - to each their own. :)
Seen the movie 4 hrs ago - the most stupid part of aliens. Parts 1 to 4 were really good. But this one makes me think that screenplay writers now are taken from elementary school to save big on scenarios.
Do I need a special bluray player or something to do bluray 3d? I have a bluray drive on my desktop. That is my only bluray player.
Saw it at a midnight showing when it opened in IMAX.
The "Engineer" in the opening remind me of the Freak and I was looking to see if anything else had a DAZ look in it after that..
Didn't like the movie at all it was:
1.) Too predictable if you saw the 1st 3 Aliens movies you knew what was going to happen with certain plots in the film as the took certain key elements from them and just put them on one of the new characters.
2.) I had no real reason to care for the characters.
3.) The characters were very stupid and did things that no scientist or explorer would do. Example :*SPOILER ALERT BEGIN* They take off their helmets when they realize the air is breathable, but they have no idea if any bacteria or other environmental hazard is in the air. The scanners say they air is clean, but how good are they. "SPOILER ALERT END".
4.) Hated how the Prometheus ship looked. Interior lighting was yellow-green of it and the interior wasn't well light at all in the ship. They have FTL and artificial gravity,but in the future the interior of the old NASA space shuttle has better lighting that a major exploration ship of the future.
5.) No reason was giving why the character David did certain things. But reason 2 & 3 that I gave may be the expiation why.
6.) The movie conflicts how certain things work in it. For example Spacesuits are very tough in one scene and take a lot of punishment, but in other scenes they don't. The space suit was ultra unrealistic too in the helmet design. On a DAZ note you might be able to turn the Super Suit into on of the space suits from the film as you would only need to add one or two props to it. Will be interesting to see if anyone makes some accessories for the Super Suit to recreate the ones from the movie.
The only nice thing about going to the midnight IMAX showing was you got a special collector poster for the movie. Special collector posters for midnight opening IMAX showings or some other free item may be something you see more of from what I got told at the theater when I commented that the last time I did a midnight movie opening they had special collectable posters for those that saw the opening showing in IMAX
Oh and if you haven't seen it yet they have nothing after the end credits or doing the credits, so you can leave when they start to roll.
I saw it and was blown away. I found it extremely faithful and satisfying as a prequel. You do remember Ridley Scott saying that it's not a direct prequel, but only set IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. He's wanting to start a new saga that ties into the Alien universe mythos without merging with the Alien movie franchise.
I loved it too. It's definitely not a reboot; it doesn't change or undo anything in the Aliens movies, unlike the Star Trek movie a few years ago. At least we find out a bit more about the space jockey, but there's a lot left unanswered for a few more movies.
I have a blu-ray drive on my HP, and in the last two years, I've gotten ONE blu-ray disc to play (cds and dvds are no problem, however). I've tried every player I can find, with no luck. From what I can tell from the forums I've read, this is a common problem with the HP machines. Since standalone blu-ray players have gotten so cheap, I suppose I should just break down and go buy one one of these days.
Again, this is just a story ripped from the old Aliens: Colonial Marines book series. Its extremely faithful to the IP.
1 & 2 I have to agree with you on those. I have to admit, though its hard to care for characters in a Sci-Fi horror. The only character I ever cared for in the series after only seeing them once was Cpl Hicks, even Ripply I didn't start caring for untill the extended version of Aliens.
3 Most all "stupid" actions actually had resons, alot of the tech described in the books, Darkhorse Comics (Considered soft cannon) and other movies wasn't explained in this one. In the begining they are wearing a scientific exploration suit, with should be able to test air quality and contaminates that the suit is able to keep out.
4 That personal preferance, they tried to keep the feel of the other ships in the IP.
5 There was resons why David did everything he did, you must have missed it. Another case of Tech from obscure parts of the IP not explained. David can talk to those still in Cryo stasis.
6 Two differeant space suits (actually three diff, but only two on the ship where used), notice in the begining, the spacesuits where all Blue and lose, the ones used at the end are recon suits, skin tight Red, black, and blue, ribbed and reinforced (Notice how fast her air is used up during the final sequance?).
Saddly, I think the main parts of the story are lost on those that know nothing BUT the movies or are just jumping into it. But, its not a reboot, its a story that takes place in the Alien Universe/IP, just not directly related to Alien series of movie.
Some Soft Cannon info,
The "Engineer" AKA Space Jocky AKA Elephant Men, are in the books, the one seen in the begining is a Engineer, the ones seen later are soldiers (Notice how they have Carapace Armor grafed to their bodies, also where the Xenomorph gets its carapace from and why the Aliens there were pure from humans where fleashy)
The Xenomorph (notice the Morph part of the word) takes on characteristics of its host, the ones seen in the movie are varied on Humans and Engineers. In the books there are aquatic, mammal, and insect style of aliens. The Xenomorph is a Bio weapon, a creature capible of adapting and wiping out all spiecies of life.
The Engineer home world in the books is rumored to be just a lifeless planet covered in alien hives as the weapon turned on them.
The nearest to sun star is 4 light years away from the earth. That kind of drop-ship would never reach the most remote galaxy in two years.
No orbital exploration was mentioned, the drop-ship just lands. The crew was waken from stasis before the entering the atmosphere. Just to feel the landing overload and to remain in the mind in the case of disaster?
As they say it is common to have a couple dead persons (of good shape and health) among awaken from cryo stasis (with the current level of technology) but the old man feels very good and brave considering he is going to die in two-three days.
On the board and in the surface missions the adult people behave like 5 years old kids. Oh, we are tired and feel some fear, we are going back to the ship. And then two idiots got lost as if no navigation system was ever invented. C'mon, it is future, the wrist-watch-built-in computer had to record the way back. (The rest has no troubles with finding the way out in a hurry.) Aren't these lost scientists supposed to be clever people with IQ slightly higher than a green monkey? They are scientists, aren't they? Or the iPads and iPhones washed the brains of future geneations completely out?
I'm not going into the technical stuff deep (I'm not good in English to speak all this freely) but Ridley should read something of hi-end technology reviews a bit more often.
Yeap, I'd say all the characters were flat like paper puppets comparing to characters of "Aliens".