Some help needed on chest and glute bends - A more rigid G3F

Hi everyone,

I've noticed that any sort of morphing modification to the genesis 3 female's breasts (and on extreme leg bends, the glute area as well) tends to bring a rather pronounced deformation of the breast/chest area when the collar joints are bent in any direction, and I'm looking on ways to fix that.

In this case, I'm working on an android/robotic character which is mostly rigid (think plastic body segment exterior panels over flexible cabling). The main issue I'm running into is with the way g3f's JCMs interact with the character morph I've created, the rigidity of body parts like the breasts and glute "panels" doesn't work yet since the JCMs will deform the body part and alter it's shape when differing from the original zero T pose.

So, my question is if it's possible to adjust the JCMs (or turn them off somehow, coming from a poser background morphs could sometimes be told to not mess with specific body parts) to have them not affect the chest area when arms are bent? 

Additionally, is there any way to have the pectoral bones move/bend the breasts while still having them retain their exact shape?

I have read a little bit about attenuating morphs but am not entirely sure on how to go around into implementing them in this case. Would I need to go through each and every collar/pectoral bend (forward/back/up/down/side-side/twist) and create a morph for each to reset the shape? Or some sort of reverse morphing?

I have considered just doing all the panels as separate objects attached to the character's body parts, but I'd still like to learn more on doing this straight on the g3f geometry without any attachments if possible since it could have future applications for other ideas, so any help would be appreciated :)


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    All JCM can be vislble when they set value,  as hidden parameter with " currently used".  you can check which morph (JCM or MCM ) now active,  as currently used.  then you can set those value to zero, if you hope so.

    or you can make simple switch controller, which turn all JCM OFF.  it is not difficult if you have learned ERC.  but  if you simply remove those JCM effect,  it just show bad shape (so daz figures mostly rely  many JCMs to keep good shape, when posing much,   JCM is life and key to keep daz figures quarity)  and even though you remove JCM effect, 

    And as you know, daz figure mesh deform by 2 way. 1 is weight map , assigned each bone (rotation, translation,scale)  then when we  pose each bone. after all  it should deform genesis3 mesh. as smooth transition.   you can not avoid it without tweaking genesis3 weight map. 

    after all,  if  you hope to make rigid genesis 3 mesh body like a armeor type, t or metal SF humanoid body,, and hope to keep rigidt shape , with posing,    you need to  correct it by morph.

     As you mentioned already,  you need to make corrective morphs for each bone rotations which you find problem, as ERC moprhs.  may need to add many new JCMs which only work with your characetr and assgin for each bone rotation.  (with daz offer JCMs)

    To be frankly said, as you said, you may better to make new mesh, which will be attached as clothing. or grafted items. I may never plan to achieve what you planed as genesis3female character morph.  if you make it as new bodysuit, or clothing (or grafted items)  you can adjust rigidity map to avoid imported JCM effect,, or you can add ghost bone which not deform by genesis3 pectoral, but can move individually,    I can not say, it is simple and easy but at least I feel it is more easy than make such morphs.




  • KvrstKvrst Posts: 2
    edited July 2017

    Hmm, I hadn't thought about grafted items! I'll need to research that futher :)

    Thanks for your input Kitakore!

    Post edited by Kvrst on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875

    @kitakoredaz can you explain how to do this: "or you can make simple switch controller, which turn all JCM OFF"?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited July 2017


    I do not hope to add detail here, because  make new ERC for default JCM can cause  problem easy, (if miss set ERC or miss save them) I can not follow if someone try and get problem. 

    but I will send PM with detail later. wink  I have sent PM  (check please though I do not know it is useful for you)

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