New content from Posemaster not showing up

I've tried batch converting a couple of sets of poses, including from M4 to Genesis using Posemaster by Cridgit.
The new files show up in my Windows explorer in the .duf format as expected - and I can apply those new poses in Carrara via File import or in DAZ Studio - but even after rescanning directories, they don't show up in my content manager within Studio or Carrara. Any suggestions?
Did you save them to a Studio format folder?
Not sure what you mean by 'Studio format folder'
I just created a subdirectory/folder within the current folder for each batch and had Posemaster save them there.
So if i was in a Michael 4/General poses folder, I would save to michael 4/General poses/convertedForGenesis.
Note - I just found one of those batches in MyLibrary/Presets/Poses/ConvertedForGenesis - they show up in Carrara's browser and DAZ's and all work! Can't recall if I manually dragged that folder in as a test - so will need to try again - but dragging whole folders is simple enough so this is a perfectly workable solution for getting usable .duf pose files for carrara.
When you look in the Content Library tab, there are two sections; DAZ Studio Format and Poser Format — because (within certain limitations) D|S can also use many types of Poser content. But (and it's a must-not-be-ignored "but") you must not install D|S content into the Poser Runtime folder or Poser content outside the Runtime folder. The new folders will be visible in Content Library, but the content files inside are invisible.
Got it - thanks for the explanation.