I didn't think it was so big

I use DAZStudio from the beginning I even paid for the pro version ,which was not free
Today my DAZStudio folder contains
291 GB and 604 737 files

ScreenShot002 fichiers DFAz Studio 30 juillet 2017.jpg
545 x 645 - 164K
And the swarm of responses saying "...oh yeah, you think that's big?? Mine is...." starts in
I started with Poser 4 which I paid over 600 CHF for in Orel Füsseli over 15 years ago. I also remember buying I think it was Bryce 1 at the time there. I also bought some add-on content online then but all mostly it remained unused just sitting idle as I was used to collecting shells, coins, comics and such things as my hobby and not hobbies that involve actually learning and work. I bet I had not more than 5 scene creation sessions.
That changed when I wanted to make computer games once again since college days and then I collected a few DAZ products, mostly 3DU, again between 2009 - 2015 until at the beginning of 2016 - now I have bought many things in the DAZ Store such that I now have over 2000 products listed in DIM and 176GB and 425,184 files, most all between Feb 2016 - today. I will buy much more too but mostly old clothing, hair, and architecture, as I can be more refined in my shopping choices as I have learned and now have a good library. I basically want more folk and modern clothing, folk and modern hair, and the hair and clothing to be conforming for the initial fit and then turn into dynamic products after the conforming fit part is done. Then I think DS can make some really realistic renders without postwork.
And then there is Poser content which is another 6GB and many products which I bought some from Content Paradise too.
Having bought very expensive gold coins and also bronze statue from recent famous Italian artist that are subject to bizarre speculative and unreasonable market forces; I say I now prefer spending my money on DAZ, Poser, and Moho content to gold coins and fine art. It is much more fun.
Bryce was released in 1994, but for Mac only Bryce 2 was released in 1996, Bryce was then ported over to the Windoze platform, but the first stable version was not released until 1997. Bryce 3 was also 1997 with Bryce 4 following in 1999. You say 15 years so you are probably thinking of Bryce 5 which was released in 2001 by Corel, who had bought it from metacreations in 2000. Poser was still Poser 4 when Bryce 5 was released. Poser 5 didn't arrive till late in 2002 (September)
Yes, it was in 2000 when I bought those and now that you said it I remember it being Bryce 5.