No Poses

After watching too many videos and reading too many articles on manually installing content, I decided to trust an old 2008 pdf by JakiBlue and rolled up my sleeves. On new PC#1 I installed older Daz and Dim versions, didn't install sql and manually installed a dozen products in custom folders and all worked well except for an annoying sql error popup at startup. But due to the daunting amount of zip files and a fear of bleeding fingers, I folded at a mere 16 installs, and rolled my chair over to PC#2 (new never had Daz on it before) installed newest Dim Version and installed newest Daz and let DIM do the install of over 4,000 products. Well everything looks jacked. Not one single thumbnail for anything and nothing works. I have well over 200 poses but Daz only shows 3 (missing thumbnails of course). Here are thhree screenshots. I had this problem back in December and again in January on older PC's and was told to download newer versions but nothing changed. Support advised me to refresh meta data and ended up in worse situation with duplicate eclamation marks.
This time ... I am hoping a DAZ wizard can help me fix this piece of lovely program. I've had no problems installing Bryce or any other software programs, just Daz Studio.

I think I have it solved.DIM installed content exactly where I told it to but Studio wasn't being amicable about it. I can live with a few excamations.
I changed the title because I only have 3 poses. Guess I'll submit a ticket.
if you check off "filter by context" (small check box, about left down corner of smart contant pane), and serch pose of left category section, can not you find pose products?
if you check on "filter by contest", you can not find any pose files, untill you load the Actor.
context means, meta-data "compatiblity." then it serch only file which made for the currently selected Figure or item.
it depend on meta-data, then if pose files are offered with meta-data,, DS smart content just show pose file which assgined compatiblity with for the Actor figure.
DIM and Studio do not communicate with each other. Click the cog icon in DIM and go to Installation tab and make note of the installation path. In Studio open Preferences, at bottom of Content tab is Content Directory Manager button, click it and in the new window expand DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats, if the path from DIM is not listed add it.
There are ways for DS to read or write the DIM settings:
Tell me about it ... groan, and thank you. The preferences match and the path is listed. I did find this (00 pose3.jpg) by going to dim and hunting down the poses but they aren't populating in smart content.
Thank you ... may need a stiff drink when I'm done reading these lol.
Note that the Smart Content is only as smart as the metadata included in the installers, which gets added to the content database when new content is installed by DIM (although doing it as part of a manual install isn't much more difficult). All DAZ content should have basic metadata by now, so they'll appear properly in the Categories and Products views, but I'm not sure how much of the older content has the extra metadata that allows the fancier Smart Content features.
So I saw, OP already set path, without it for DS, withotu it smart content can not find any product, but his pic show,, he keep filter by context "on" then serch product.
that is reason why , product view do not show product which include pose files only. Pose are set with comaptiblity( context). then filter work not to show them untill you load figure. (genesis2f)
the pose product actually come with meta-data, and it work correctly. witout problem.
Thanks. Unchecking and searching for a specific item such as boud.. as in your example did populate one pose for Olympia 8. But one should not have to type the pose name to find it. When I bring up V8 no poses are avaiable. Wondering why Dim created this nifty pose folder By Function and left every folder empty?
Edit: Who gave me a labotomy? Try not to die laughing BUT ... This is worse than a blonde moment. Hear that thumping? That's me trying to knock some sense into myself. I just READ the screenshot I took. It seems Studio is smarter than me (note you may need to clear your keyword filter to see results) and it can count better than me because I thought I owned 200 or so poses. One final thump for good measure.
@SpottedKitty I actually have a decent amount of older toons, Furries, Mil Dogs etc and will google manually adding metadata on manual installs to try and correct a few lost file issues.
Thanks everyone.
Hi I just use word filter, because I have many pose products (most of come with bundle) then if I serch product with pose, (without check filter by context)I can not show what you serching as DIM pic, easy.
Then I think it is usuall User can not find contents correctly with smart content, untill we serch and read many documents about each version up.
your question show, how daz offer documents about simple data base usage, to serch daz products. DAZ believe they document well already, and may find easy them.
But actually, many user can not find where they offer documents about smart contents clearly, without google around here or there.
DAZ man, or forum adimins can easy show you link, but it is just because they know already where daz put documents about each version up. and those things not gather as one.
DAZ do not add those things, as official manuall which daz offered, just keep it as Up-date things. so daz will offer those things as old New features forever.
(I already have said many complain about daz documents then no need to add new complain)