Deformers on figures?

Can you use a deformer on a figure (like genesis) - or does protected topology prevent deformer from working.

(I attached a deformer to a vertex grid and got that working without any problem - but when attaching to Genesis, I don't see any effect)



  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Just threw a test scene up with a V5 and attached the magnet, deformed immediatley, so seems it should work fine.  I didn't even have to uncheck 'protect topology' which I thought at first I would need to do.

  • Ok - thanks.  Not sure what I was doing wrong.  Just checked again with K4 and Genesis, and work fine.

    (steps are:

    Animation Tab in top menu >Create Deformer
    then Select the Magnet and Actor or Model in Hierarchy area
    then Animation>Attach Deformer
    You then set the zone's position and scale to determine what the Deformer will influence
    You can then scale, rotate, and move the magnet to affect that region on the model



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