Reflective Surfaces
Scotty Z
Posts: 44
A long time ago on the old forum I had bookmarked a post that gave the surface settings necessary to make a surface reflective (like a mirror). I can't seem to find that post anymore and I can't get my surface to work, simply cranking up Reflection didn't seem to make any difference. I could probably mess with it for a few hours and stumble across what I need, but I'm sure someone here knows right off the top of their head and can save me those hours.
And FWIW, I'm still on D/S 3 ( to be exact).
The following works for me:
Diffuse Color: White
Diffuse Strength: 13.7%
Glossiness: 61.4%
Specular Color: Gray (189 189 189)
Specular Strength: 90.4
Multiply thru Opacity: On
Ambient Color: Black
Ambient Strength: 100%
Opacity Strength: 100%
Reflection Color: White
Reflection Strength 90.4%
Lighting Model: Glossy Plastic
Thanks, that worked, I have a reflection now!
However, it looks a little muddy, do you know which of the parameters to twiddle to make it a "clearer" reflection?
Lower the diffuse strength and increase the reflection strength.
That doesn't seem to have had an effect.
First Diffuse Strength: 13.7% was changed to around 7%, then changed to 0%.
Reflection Strength 90.4% was bumped up to 95%, then 100%.
Both of these renders look the same as the original settings.
Edit: Never mind, got it.
I changed the Specular color to white (255, 255, 255), and cranked it to 100% and bumped the Glossiness up to 81.
Seems to be performing the way I had hoped.
I cheat.
Select your surface, hold CTRL and (I have it in my scripts menu) click on Ubersurface Base and ignore textures. Then all I have to do is play with the Reflection Strength.
I was amazed at how easy it is.
Of course, if you've already overcomplicated your surface with colors and strength percentages in almost every setting, then it might become a little more difficult.