Motionbuilder animation not playing correctly in DAZ

I am animating Genesis 3 in MotionBuilder 2015 and I am running into a problem getting the animation back into DAZ.
The imported FBX animation looks fine in DAZ, but when I save it as a Pose Preset and apply that to the original G3 character, then often times the G3 bones do not follow the FBX animation and I'm ending up with weirdly contorted G3 bones. I also tried the much more painful BVH route, but got the same poor results.
When I save the animation as a Pose Preset I uncheck all scaling and leave the rest checked.
Also, I always turn off rotation limits on all G3 bones before applying the Pose Preset animation.
I like DAZ for everything - except its animation features. And I would love to render my MB animations out in DAZ because no other program lets me render out a HQ iRay animation this easily. The results can be stunning.
Can anyone think of a reason why the G3 bones don't exactly follow the FBX animation at times?
I would really appreciate some help with this if possibe!
I am attaching the FBX animation in case someone would like to have a go at it.
Here is the simple G3 test animation in MB. Both arms are animated to rotate until the fingers touch.
Then the left hand moves up and drags the right hand along using a parent/Child constrain.
Prior to exporting all animation keys have been plotted down and the constraint has been disabled.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here is the imported FBX in DAZ as well as G3 with the Pose Preset applied.
After the fingers touch the 2 skeletens are going out of sync when the hands move up.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And here is a top view in DAZ where you can clearly see the bones losing sync:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Any ideas or tips?
Thanks for reading this!
- Kay

You remembered to turn limits off , but probably forgot to unlock nodes before applying pose preset
Yes - that was it!
I had completely forgotten to run the mcjUnlockAllBones script prior to turning off limits.
Now the animation is exactly as I had exported it from MB.
Thanks so much for your help!
This is why I had started to document certain workflows. Otherwise you forget one small step, and then it isn't working as expected.
Again - thank you!