create original cloth on a figure morphed???

you know that if you create a original cloth (in blender) the figure that you export must be in the zero pose and unmorphed but is it possible to create a cloth on a exported figure already morphed?? I already tried to create a simple morph on a cloth with the figure unmorphed and zero pose and the result it's perfect but when i apply my original morph on the figure the cloth is a little bit deformed and unrealistic.
thanks in advance
You seems go right way, if your clothing can fit well with zero base shape .
when you apply morph for base figure, ds try to auto transfer character morph( approximately) to the clothing.
then if you select clothing, and show hidden parameter, you may clear see, auto generated morph which have same name as your actor morph.
it actually help a lot, but as you see, we need to overwrite this auto generated morph (for clothing) by more presise one often.
I serched , I know there is more good you tube tutoriall ,or real vendor offered tutorial,, but it happend to be in my google serch.
Then I do not know, if you hope more,,,
after you add morphA for clothing, ,you may apply character morphs for base figure (your Actor figure) those morph need to be transfered.
that means, you may not see perfect same morphA effect as same as before , for each character. we often see those problem, when we apply many character morphs for Actor, vendor usually offer clothing morph which work well for base figures. but can not confirm morphA (of clothing) should work about all character morph.
you can easy change morphA which fit well for one character, but when you apply another morph for base figure, you may see, it lost some detail of morphA. to prevent it, we need to make clothing morphs for each character morphs. or you may need to make MCM which can add another delta for Morph1. when you apply each character morphs for actor figure.
thanks for your reply and your suggestion to correct the hidden dial but as you said the perfect morph on a cloth doesn't exist .
i'm starting using blender so i followed several tutorials and i tried to create a simple tube cloth using a base figure (gen1) and using the transfer utility i create my first original cloth but when i use the same cloth on my original toon morph figure the tube slide down unexpedectly.
So i thought that if i used an morphed figure the cloth could be more fitted....
you can try option "remove source shape from target" . with sourse as moprh = select your morph name, and target clothing, shape = current. it apply auto reverse defomation process, then when you apply morph for your actor, the clothing shape wiil be rerutn. but I say it not work perfect.
because, auto defomation process is, just aproximately count and remove shape. (it is almost same process as auto-follow but work reverse to return to fit for base mesh,
then auto follow your morphed sahpe again.
then I perfer, export current morphed actor as template, then export current clothing (it auto followed by morph), then correct clothing which more well fit to current actor shape. but just use vertex movement, (I often use blender sculpt with all mesh line visible, it work good to correct shape easy, of course I need to keep current resolution,,) no addtional vertex, not delete, keep poligon count, as same as you make actor morph)
then return it as moprh, (to overwrite auto followed morph)
without it, if you change your actor shape by another morph , your clothing can not fit well,,
make clothing shape for base shape first, then adjust moprh for each character seems best way, to keep daz figure compatiblity I believe. but if you plan to use clothing, for your morphed actor only, I think remove sourse shape from target is good option. but actually the process is not perfect,,, after all I think you may need to overwrite generate morph by mesh which you made in lbender. .
try this. it is what you planed I thik. (but keep good model shape in blender, I think you need it to overwrite generate morph again)