Problem with re-installing DAZ 4.9

Hello, I installed DAZ 4.9 one my computer about two weeks ago and it worked wonderfully. Yesterday it stopped working, I would get the splash screen up and that is all. I have uninstalled it both manually and through DAZ install manager, I have tried to reinstall through DAZ install manager muttiple times, several times manually and it still will not run. This morning when trying to install it, the counter made it to 99% and I got two error messages.
1.) QtCore4.dll cannot find
2.) QrXml4.dll cannot find
Can someone please help me with this? I am not new to computers or DAZ for that matter but this one has me stumped
Thank you anyone for your time and attention to this! Peg Thompson
Windows or Mac? Have you tried right-clicking on the package in Install Manager, deleting it, and redownloading?
I´ve got the same problem with DAZ 4.8 since today. DAZ din´t start suddenly.
Windows said that C:\Programm Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DzCore.dll and C:\Programm Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\QtCore4.dll are either not intended for running under windows or have an error.
QtCore4.dll, DzCore.dll, QtGui4.dll... The dll-files were in the directory C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\ but they were empty (0 kb).
A re-install also was not possible. Weither with 4.8 nor with 4.9. Message: Error running C:\Programm Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\dzcoreutil.exe -dvs64 : child killed: unknown signal
Luckily I´ve made a backup a few weeks ago. So I copied the backuped files over tne empty files in the directory - then the re-install of 4.8 worked. And then I could start 4.8.
After shutdown and restart windows I´ve got the same problem again. - Now I only copied the backuped files into the directory. Then I could start 4.8 again.
After exit 4.8 and restart of 4.8 again the files where corrupted. Again I copied the backuped files into the directory. - It´s frustrating - but with this workaround I can start 4.8 and work with it.
I´ve already gave up an error-ticket at the daz-help-line...
My Sytem: Windows 10 Home, Version 1607, Build: 14393.1593, IntelCore i7-6700HQ, 2.6GHz, 16 GB RAM, 64Bit, NVIDA Geforce GTX 960M.
(Sorry if my english is not so good).
What security software are you using? Have you checked its logs to see if it is doing something to these files?
I´ve got McAfee. In the isolated items and in the scan log is nothing to find. As I explained: the dll-files are not deleted - only the content of the files is deletet. the files have a size of 0kb.
Supplement: Today I started windows: the DAZ-dll files were okay. When I started DAZStudio the first dll was cleared (empty, 0kb). I copied the backuped dll over the emty dll and started DAZStudio again. The second dll got emty. I copied the backuped dll over the new emty dll. Then I started DAZStudio again with no problem... It worked.
I think I have located the problem. It seems to be the latest update from McAfee. It seems that McAfee clears the dll files. (it does not delete them - the dll-Files are empty (0kb) - QtCore4.dll, DzCore.dll, QtGui4.dll... ). McAfee Internet Security 16.0.2 Security Center 16.2, Build 16.2.142, Affld: 1311 Language: German, Last actuality 11.August 2017, Virus Scan 20.2 Build 20.2.155, Vulnrability Scanner Version 6.2 Build 6.2.145
Hi all, this occurred with me yesterday but on an existing working DAZ 4.9 (Windows 10) . Also DAZ installation manager errored but I was able to re-install. This happend a few weeks (for DIM). I also have McAfee Security Center 16.0.3 Build date: Aug 29, 2017. My Acronis 2017 backup also failled, I have to remove and reinstall it...seems to be working now. I have tried System Restore and removing Daz and reinstalling, with no success.
I am going to try a restore from backup. If anyone has suggestions, I would appreciate any advice ... Thanks
McAfee has, for a few weeks, been causing issues - you may need to isntall while disconnected and with McAfee off, then whitelist DS and its compoenets (the application and plugins, not the content).
Thanks very much for the tip
Thanks again for help, Restored backup image to August 25 (before problem), Daz worked, added exclusions to McAfee for DAZ .EXE and some DLLs. McAfee updated to new version, still working okay.
I am still not sure if this was McAfee, but happy it's working again.
I've revent;y been expericencing this same problem with McAfee and DAZ.exe. I was able to re-install DAZ 4.9 via the DIM and DAZ launched properly for a do or so.
Today when I tried to start DAZ the same error message as above has returned. When I look in my McAfee Security Center I can't find anyplace to add exclusions. I'm using Windows 10 pro 64 bit wirh the lattest version of DAZ. I don't have any previous disk image backup that I can restore. Any trips on what I need to do in order to get a working verison of DAZ again that will stay working is greatly appreiciated.
I had additional problems since my post, also with a demo of Mudbox ... some dll files became zero bytes. In McAfee all access you can go to the realtime scanning option and exclude files.
However I don't think McAfee was the cause. Turns out I was not running on the latest Windows 10 build. After I upgraded to Version 1703 OS Build 15063.632, I have not had problems.
I previously backed out of the Windows 10 update due to no network connectivity.. This time before the Windows 10 upgrade, I update network drivers. The link below decribes what version you need based on Windows 10 build.
I also took a backup of DAZ when it was working so I could restore DLLs.
So in painfull summary, I could have had an OS related problem that went away after upgrading Windows 10 build. Hopefully this may help others... still wish I knew the exact cause.
You need to find out how to exclude files or directories from McAfee's gentle touch - can't help with that, as I dumped them when I retired. Check for 'exclusions' or 'whitelists' in the documentation or help.
I had problems with the Macafee suite that came with my ROG laptop
I figured out how to do the exclusions in McAfee and did that for DAZ which seems to be working for the time being. Today when I went to go into Maya 2011 I'm getting the same type error. I would pull my hair out if it wasn't to short to get ahold of :).
I'm begining to wonder it isn't related to a recent Win 10 update of a few days ago as Squonk_99 mentioned above as all my problems began about the same time at the update.
Why is DAZStudio.exe file so hard to delete? Sometimes deleting using run as administrator works, sometimes taking ownershi[ works, sometimes it takes both. Can't reinstall with immovable files left over.
Are you running the installer as administrator? That could give permission issues from the outset.
How do you run installer as administrator?
Right click on executable and select "Run as administrator" (Windows)
But don't do that now you know how.