Can we turn Off Props in Scene so it doesn't effect clothing?

Is there a way to turn off a prop or any item in the scene? I don't mean just make invisible but completely off without deleting. For example if I have a gun strap under a character's jacket, the holster will effect the jacket while it is invisible. If I simply make it invisible, holes are still poking through the clothes where the holster is. Can any prop just simply be turned off so it doesn't effect anything in the scene? I would hope to make a scene so I don't have to reimport and adjust the props with the changing circumstances of the action, especially if it's frequently being hidden and revealed.
Post edited by GeneralDee on
Unless they are dynamic clothes, or have a smoothing modiflier with the prop as its collision target, the clothes should not be affected by the prop. If they are dynamic,b remove the prop from the list of Collision Targets accessed from the Dynamic Clothing pane.