Figures not coming into carrara when save as scene

I have the latest versions of DAZ Studio and Carrara Pro. When I save an animated figure as a scene in DAZ Studio and then open that DUF file in Carrara, I'm just seeing the skeleton of the figure, with the animation - not the figure itself. (Posted this on Carrara forum as well, because not sure if same users frequent both and wasn't sure who'd know if there's a workaround / proper way to save this to get animated figure out of DAZ Studio and into Carrara. (same results with non-animated figure)
Thanks for any help.
Which figure?
DAZ Tortoise.
Could you save the tortoise and its pose/puppeteer presets separately? If desired, customize the tortoise in Studio and save as a character or scene preset. Still in studio, do your posing, etc., then save as a pose preset. In Carrara, load the tortoise directly from the Carrara library if not customized in Studio, or your saved character preset if customized. In carrara, select the tortoise and double click the saved pose preset.
Haven't tried this myself. Just brainstorming. In general, I load everything directly in Carrara and do customizing and posing there. ? Are you using the DS or the Poser version? Have you tried using the other one?
Hey Diomede -
I have a viable workaround in this case (I can bring in the pose information through AniBlock importer) - just wanted to figure out why it's not working properly.
In terms of saving as a Character Preset, DAZ pops up message "You must select a TriAx Mapped figure in the scene to save a character preset" - so evidently not an option.
My problem does seem figure specific - added a random helicompter and DAZ lamb, and those both came into Carrara fine.
Check to see if Richard is on the right track.
If ever in an extreme situation, I think you could convert the rigging to triax and then save the information. At least, I have created and saved wearable presets for M4/V4 and similar figures that way for use in Carrara. Got a similar warning to your pose preset warning, and I solved it for the wearable by converting the rigging.
Does seem to be figure specific.
I loaded a number of others, and those come into Carrara without problem.
Now I'm getting this message when trying to load some saved scenes including the DAZ Tortoise: An I/O Error occurred while executing import
Noticed this little icon, highlighted orange on top left of DAZ Tortoise's image in DAZ Content - not sure what it means or if it's related to problem (see attached)
Tracked this down and you were right - if I load from Poser Format area, the tortoise doesn't come into Carrara properly.
If I load from DAZ Studio Formats - it looks like it works fine. Will go do some more testing to verify. Thanks.