Some newbie to ds4 questions

I just installed ds4. I have used ds3 for years and several years ago I tried ds4.
1. Is there a way to import/merge ds3 saved scenes?
2. For some reason, if I try to render to file, I get a memory error message which is odd because I did a memory check and my memory is fine. Spot render seems to work and I can render to the render pane. If I do that can I save that image? in ds3 I usually rendered to an external file. Not sure why I am having memory issues--computer meets the requirements I think.
3. I managed to get the backdrop to be black but when I spot render in the viewport I still see the grey checked background--is there a way to stop that?
I have not used ds4 in years, and have had no problem with ds3 until this week. Tried reinstalling it and it won't work. I am halfway through a comic and don't want to lost all my figures. I am trying to finish with ds3 but am not sure it will work, so I downloaded ds4, but I cannot determine if there is a way to merge or import ds3 scenes. I tried to merge one scene and it kept asking me to locate texture files but once I got through it all, and it loaded, it said there was an error and no files had been loaded. This is like what used to happen when I started ds3 on a new computer. In that case, I had to load and save, say, an m4 with all possible morphs in him, so that when I opened the figure it would recreate what I had. I am mostly worried about textures/materials.
In any case, any help/advice with converting from ds 3 to ds 4 would be appreciated. I really do not want to have to recreate all these characters (since i might not get them the same. Thanks!
And let me just add that even trying to render to window shut the program down when the file was large.
1 As long as your content directories match the old scenes should open/merge. However, some will be bolshy - certainly going back to the early versions of DS, I'm not sure that I've had failures with scenes saved from DS3.
2. Not sure about this - whata re your system specs? Is this Iray or 3Delight?
3. Window>Panes(Tabs)>Environment will let you set a backdrop, either a solid colour or an image. But if you use that you won't get an alpha channel when saving to png or tiff, which may be an issue for post work or compositing.. For iray you can also enable Draw Dome in Render Settings, under Environment, if you are using the HDRI dome.
Thank you. It is 3 delight not lray. Render to file isn't working but I hadn't added ds4 to my nvidia driver. My intel driver worked fine with ds3.
I have a lot to learn vis a vis lighting. I am mostly trying to finish a project and don't want to have to recreate characters, but I am finding that if I save figures as character presets in ds3 and the materials, then I can recreate them more easily in ds4. However, when I try to merge a scene no objects come through. It will say that the m4 is there, but it isn't. and my directories do, I think, match ds3. I will check that.
I tried to merge a scene and the log file said it was unable to find teh data files. My runtimes are exactly the same for both, but of course the data files are in the ds3 folders. I did not move them. So when it loads, the items are listed but none of them are there. It's odd.
How exactly does D|S3 not work? I still have the most recent stable D|S3 installed alongside a nearly-most-recent D|S4.9.4 with no problems.
Note that if you're having "file not found" errors like that, it suggests your previous installation did not use the current default content locations, but your new installation is still using those defaults and of course not finding the files because they're somewhere else.
Merged threads.
Are you sure the content directories are the same? The defaults are different, DS3 saved to the Data folder in the content directory used to save the scene (if it was in a content directory) or to the one in the first Daz Studio content directory if not (I can't recall thee xact path, Docuemnts\Daz 3D\Studio 3\Content possibly).
It started getting really wonky, like I could only load one or two figures and it would freeze up. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it worked ok, but the second install did fully install the uninstaller. Now I cannot uninstall it to do a clean install.
I am having trouble understanding about content location. My ds3 content is on an external drive. I have set the content libraries in ds4 to the exact same place.I can load anything, but not the scenes. the log is saying that the problem is the data files. it cannot find them.
Richard, the ds3 data folder is in Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content. My content files are on an external drive and I have the content directory set up the same in the ds4, so I can access the content no problem. The ds4 data folder is in Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library. how do I fix this? Or am I not understanding what you mean about having the content folders in the same place.
Right-click on Daz Studio Formats in the Content Library pane, select Add Base Directory, and thenm select the Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio3\content folder.
you are my savior!
BTW, does ds4 have morph follower?
Yes, it's on automatically for the Geensis figures but in the cases where you need to manually invoke it it's right-click on the fgure, Transfer Active Morphs.