Rendering problem

I keep getting this message in ds4: The renderer has encountered a memory problem and the program has become unstable. Please close and restart the program as soon as possible.
I have 4 MB of free Ram. The scene in question is only using 1500 mb according to task master. My system memory is at 65%. And we're talking a spot render here. Any thoughts?
Oh and I ran a diagnostics on my computer's memory and it came back fine.
ALso if I try to render to file the whole thing closes. no notice at all. the log says this: WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
I'm assuming you mean 4GB. The libpng is meaningless. It's a colour profile thing. Are you using iRay or 3Delight?
Yes, sorry 4GB of FREE RAM, 8GB total. And that is using 3delight. I have checked everything I can on the hardware, and if I have a single figure it renders fine, though not to file. To new window works fine.I can try installing the 64bit version and see if that helps, but until a few days ago, I could use ds3 with many more resources and it wouldn't crash. Now it crashes but if it doesn't I can usually render. With DS4 it doesn't crash when I am setting up scenes (though my god posing is harder in DS4), but if I go to render with even two heavily morphed figures and props I get the memory message.
32bit apps can only use 4GB, sometimes only 2GB of local memory. You're probably running out of addressable space. 64bit version would indeed fix this.
Thank you. I will install it and try.
Wow, yes that seems to be the trick. ANd it renders sooo much faster than ds3
Interesting that in task manager, when I used 32 bit the scene was only like 1500 mb in size, but when I opened the same scene in 64 bit it shot up to 2400.
What probably was happening with the 32 bit version is that you couldn't load the entire scene into memory, but the 64 bit version could.
A 64 bit application use more memory, all memory references go from 4 bytes to 8 bytes and so on, that means all objects in memory that contain an adress reference will use more memory, for all practical means you can assume that going from a 32 bit application to a 64 bit application will make the application use 20-50% more memory.