Zeroing figure pose etc

Trying to get my head around the ds4 interface. Is there a quick way to zero a figure pose? I can do it via edit, then figure, then zero, etc. But in ds3 there was a really quick option in the parameters tab, and I can't find it if it is there. Partially, I am wrestling with there being so many darned panes to navigate.
See attached screenshot to access the Parameters Pane menu.
Thank you!
you can added manualy to order ZERO (RESET) POSE on your toolbar
via the 'F3' check on >"parameters" command and move it to the >toolbar
also any other command you want fromthe list or custom actions
Great hint cm152335. Thank you very much. ...before I made a shortcut for it.
I added a keyboard shortcut for (CTRL-Shift Z) Zero Pose because I use it so often. A reminder: keyboard shorcuts can be configured thus:
Window > Workspace > Customize (or just F3 will take you to the Customize panel)
Select a function from the Left Hand menu (click on the + of Parameters for the Pose functions) and then Right-click it to set or change the keyboard shortcut.