
How do I rollback to release Need it to get facial morphs into iclone 7. Later releases introduced a bug that makes them not work. Anyone familiar with the problem?


  • Any new public non beta release overwrites the previous one, so if you have no backup of the installation file it is gone.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2017

    I don't have iClone 7 but I believe that compatibility with iClone could be an important feature for DAZ Studio. So please can you explain better what the issue is and/or provide some links to this topic ?

    Also please would you mind filing a bug report and let us know what they answer ? There may be a workaround to this ..


    EDIT: also if you can change the title into " lost compatibility with iClone 7" or anything more informational, I guess more interested people may join in.

    Post edited by Padone on
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