Abbreviations do not work when searching for files (but they do for products)

Abbreviations do not work when searching for files (but they do work for products)
I stumbled upon this while discussing a support ticket.
I share this here so this different search behavior becomes common knowledge.
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- Go to the Smart Content Tab
- Uncheck Filter by Context
- Select the Materials Category
Example 1 A)
- Select Products
- Enter Vic into the search bar
140 results
- Enter Victoria into the search bar
135 results
-> This does make sense. A more precise search term does yield less results.
The 135 results for Victoria are included when searching for Vic.
Abbreviations can be used when searching.
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Example 1B)
Select Files
- Enter Vic into the search bar
0 results
- Enter Victoria into the search bar
936 results
This behaves differently than in the products search.
You have to search with the exact search term. You can not use abbreviations.
In this example there is no file called just Vic.
If you want to find files called Victoria you have to spell the whole name.
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Example 2 A)
- Select Products
- Enter Sport into the search bar
14 results
- Enter Sporty into the search bar
5 results
-> This does make sense. A more precise search term does yield less results.
The search results for Sporty are also displayed when just searching for Sport.
Abbreviations can be used when searching.
- - -
Example 2B)
Select Files
- Enter Sport into the search bar
73 results
- Enter Sporty into the search bar
104 results
This behaves differently than in the products search.
In this example there are 73 results called Sport and 104 results called Sporty.
You have to search with the exact search term. You can not use abbreviations.
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Edited 2017 08 24: Support staff commented that they are aware of this behavior.