Cannot figure out how to insta…
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Cannot figure out how to install this clothing

I went and found a free Labcoat I could use for one of my models at this site
I want to put it on my Genesis female model but I cannot figure out how to install it to even see if its going to work, male or female. Any help here? Their instructions appear to be for a much older version of Daz which is confusing
Download the file and unzip it into a temp location. Then unzip it into the same temp location or into studio. After it unzips move the data, people and runtime into either "my library" or "My DAZ 3d Library" (think that is the one the DIM creates). They can combine down into the data etc that is already there. Delete the now empty content file.
Ok I did that, its still not there, is there something else I need to do? A button or function I need to do to make it reset its listing?
Is the folder you unzipped to the folder that you use for your DAZ Studio content? Which folder ddi the new files end up in?
I placed them into the my daz3d library folder, I can find it in the content library, but I can't get it on the model from there that I can tell, and Its not in the actors wardrobes and props tab
It's very important just which "there" you mean. Do you use the Smart Content tab? Or the Content Library tab? Do you use categories? Do you install using the DIM or manually? Some combinations of "yes" to these questions can make a lot of difference to solving your problem.
Thanks for the "heads up."
These files do not have metadata & therefore won't be found under anything but the content library.