Problems saving morphs...

RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

I am attempting to save a morph on G3M that I made.

I am following MY OWN tutorial which has served me well up to this point.

What is strange is, it is having me go through the Adjust Rigging to Shape step and when I click on ERC Freeze, it's like it amplifies the effect of the adjusted rigging so I have to do the same two steps AGAIN: Adjust Rigging to Shape then ERC Freeze.

Then I click on Save as.... Morph Assets, save them and close out.

I eliminate previous copies from my Morph folder and open it back up, load up G3M, but the morph works BUT the rigging skeleton does not change as it had previously but remains as if never Adjusted to Rigging.

What am I missing?

Can anyone help? :)


Post edited by RKane_1 on


  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143

    I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but you shouldn't check "adjust orientation" by default when adjusting rigging to shape. It causes more problems than it solves. Another issue is, you should definitely restore figure rigging when using ERC freeze. The rigging is saved in the morph, so there's no reason to leave it after freezing. (I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe that's already been addressed).

    But if you have previous copies of your exact morph in your morph folder, you don't need to use Save as... Morph Assets. Just make the changes and use Save Modified Assets instead.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Yeah... from my tutorial

    "Step 11. Make sure the last option "Adjust Orientation" is clicked so that an orange check-mark appears there and click "Accept"."


    "Step 15. UNCHECK the "Restore Figure Rigging" check box. That is VERY important or you will have to start over.

  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143

    I know, which is why I brought it up. Those two steps are incorrect.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    But they work for other morphs. Weird. I was just following the other tutorials when I did mine before.

    What do each of those steps literally do, out of curiousity?

    What does "Adjust Orientation" do and why should it checked?

    What does "Restore Figure Rigging" do and why should it be checked?

  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143

    Think of it like this: adjust orientation changes the rotation of the bones, while adjust origin and end point change the translation. It's not a bad concept on its own, but for some reason, it can wreak havoc on certain joints, and it doesn't play well with partial morphs either. It just works better to leave it as an absolute last resort, since it's rarely necessary, and it can do more harm than good.

    Restore Figure Rigging works for joints the way Restore Figure works for morphs and poses. When you just use Restore Figure, it doesn't effect the rigging at all, so all the changes that were made when you used Adjust Rigging to Shape are still applied, and then doubled by the morph you just saved them in with ERC Freeze. The only reason I can imagine why you'd ever want to leave that box unchecked would be if you had several morphs which were roughly the same shape, but with different minute details that you wanted to use ERC Freeze on in a sequence. But you'd still want the box checked for the last of those morphs.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    So I just need to do the opposite of the instructions above?

  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143

    Yeah, of just those two steps. I don't think I saw any other problems.

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