The first test Bryce like Max & V.ray

Waleed - JordanWaleed - Jordan Posts: 0
edited March 2013 in Bryce Discussion

T'm still working to let Bryce seems like Max and V/Ray artworks this is the first test it is under test we still working and improving we will tell you what we really did , but after we finish our experimental work testing we still working with professional computer science Engineers here in the university to improve the Architecture looking concepts , I hope you all supporting us I hope ................

the last one is the natural two artworks and notice amount of shadow and lighting how we count this on Bryce this is the trick we shold know to understand the concept here many they fall in the same faults of lighting and shadow they are very prof. in their composing but light NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . they need to go for Max and V.ray and Maya those prof in Lighting then go back here to Bryce and see the differences they are too much ????????????????
finally I'd say this is an conceptional subject we should deal professionally with it it is not something as MOOD we use to move people as we want NO , it is a Science we should understand very well to deal with I hope I here help in this subject soon INSHAALLAH انشاءالله تعالى

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Post edited by Waleed - Jordan on


  • Waleed - JordanWaleed - Jordan Posts: 0
    edited March 2013

    testing the soft light FX effect 70% - MTED - AGMS 33 % we try here to make two points dark stories and light stories
    be care that the first image has been used the flare FX strength light

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    Post edited by Waleed - Jordan on
  • Waleed - JordanWaleed - Jordan Posts: 0
    edited April 2013

    We still try , we test Bryce 7 but failed , except Bryce 5 is the best for professional looking as Max and V.ray we should understand that sometimes the software itself might causes problems with lighting or might we don't know how to deal with but really we saw many around the world they prefer Bryce 5 I didn't say that Bryce 7 not good No there are some options I don't like might others like it everyone take his suitable side to innovate from and get his work to work well .............. that's it ..

    Bryce 7 has many thing I liked , some other I don't be comfort for it might it is personally feeling ,,, In Max there are some things I don't like
    also in V.ray there are some things I hate ....... the software always have something we don't like so we take the best and left others
    in this forum I saw some artworks beautiful others no have meaning even not have concept , so this is life we like but also we dislike....
    from my vision during 25 years of experience I saw that Bryce successful in Landscape , exterior and Interior architecture and the space
    other things this is my personal vision are not successful 100% because Bryce can introduce itself by the positive things as professional software really I as an example reached to way people thought that my artwork done by Max , V.ray , Maya the problem is they are professional to say this but feel that my artworks reached the level of comparing with Max & V.ray this is my success in working on Bryce
    I try to look everyday about real life we live in all it's description to put this in my artwork . someday rainy day I go outside just to look at night lighting in the rainy atmosphere and other day in the snow that when I have a doubt I go outside to look and put notes , I stay some times one month just to draw on Coreldraw my sketch .......

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    Post edited by Waleed - Jordan on
  • Waleed - JordanWaleed - Jordan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    another files here

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