G8 Pinkest/Lightest Areola?

Does anyone know...which G8F would have/has the pinkest/lightest areola? Similar to G3F Cailin. I have purchased two figures now and they both have darker tones to them, not what I am looking for. Many thanks :)
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Does anyone know...which G8F would have/has the pinkest/lightest areola? Similar to G3F Cailin. I have purchased two figures now and they both have darker tones to them, not what I am looking for. Many thanks :)
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g3f skin fits g8f ... unless isnt base skin, dunno
PA's should apply female skins to a male morph in boxers for reference
I can not help which product is good for your purpose, but I usually change the area color (and size) by my self with 2d or 3d paint tool. you can mask and layer about those area in 2d paint tool, then tweak RGB, (blightness) and blur by mask. it is not so difficult even though you have never touched 2d paint tool.
actually I usually hope to get more light pink about the area color (and make it more small) for most of product female mat. even though it is not realistic.
I often plan to ask vendor, to sell new layer tool, which can easy change the area color. unfortunately we can not check those untill we get it, vendor can not offer those pic in daz product page. (or hope to offer preset variation as same as csometics ,lips, about same female skin., around the area!!
then I can use favorite face mat, without tweak by myself, and disapoint when I check them with render,,)
Thank you!
If its a G3 skinon a G8 does that not effect the render quality? As in: G8 skin looks more realistic in the render than G3 skin? or because its G3 skin on a G8 model, it looks better than it did on the G3?
The biggest improvement was not in the quality of the image files that make up the skin, but rather a major improvement in the shader used. So, by manually applying the G3F skin (dropping in the appropriate image files in the correct slots) in the 'new' shader, you will see a marked improvement in the older skin.
Copy that. Thank you sir.
FWSA Cala (Renderosity) is quire pale, but not exactly pinkish. BJ Lyra is pale/pink. FWSA Analia is pale/pink. LY Camille is pale, not quite as pink.
I have >35 G8/V8/O8 characters and I think these are the lightest and/or pinkest areola
If you are still looking for models in this vein...
Aleyda is light and pink and G8
In the DAZ market Anastasia is the lightest and pinkest I have seen by far. You just won't be able to see an example...
Hey thanks for this. I was able to figure how to finally use Photoshop to help this issue. Appreciate the help.
I have to admit this made me laugh out loud. I take your point that showing the female skin texture on a male figure would be away around the "no nudity" rule since topless males are not classified as being nude, whereas topless females are not. However, dosen't this just highlight how ludicrous the rule is? Perhaps also how ludicrous the attitude of society is on this subject. IMO it would be much more sensible for DAZ to simply block topless and nude images (of both male and female characters, so as not to be sexist) to all below the age of consent. For many people this would be extremely useful in deciding whether or not to buy a product with a particular skin texture instead of having to guess and then go through the process of asking for a refund if the product is not what was desired. Isn't it about time we behaved like adults?
I fear that most of the people who choose to be offended are adults too. It is a matter of opinion & conviction, and not everyone agrees with everyone else. When disagreements get out of hand its when you need to worry. This is not a sufficiently significant thing to get upset about on either side of the argument.
It's not a question of getting upset. No one wishes to offend those people who regard seeing female nipples as distasteful or inappropriate; they have a right to their opinions. However if DAZ3d had a system that blocked such images for those that don't want to see them, or don't want their children to see them, then everyone would be happy. In that way, those that have no objection to female nipples could actually see what they are buying and make informed choices. Setting aside for a moment the obvious sexism of only objecting to female nipples not male nipples, I hope that the people who object to female nipples do not think they have a right to prevent everyone else from seeing them.
I, and I suspect many others, object to having to buy textures without actually being able to see what they are before purchase. An image blocking system would solve the problem for everyone.