Transferring a character

ok, I know that there must be a way to do this but I'm just not familar enough yet with Studio to figure it out and I can't find an explaination away where.

So let's say that you created a character in one scene that you really like and you want to use it again in other scenes, is there a way to save/copy/import or something that character that you created from one scene into another? Just the one character nothing else.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If it's just the figure morphs and skin, you can save as a Character Preset.  If you want the clothes and hair also, save as a Scene Subset.

  • Hello, what I usually do is after I save my scene, I delete everything in it except for the character that I want to use in future scenes. Next, I save that character as a new scene using the "Save As" option and give him/her a name. Ex:  Let's call my character, Alex. So, if I start creating a new scene and want to put Alex in it, all I need to do is right click on Alex's thumbnail in my library and choose "Merge into Scene". That adds him to my scene. Does this help?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Saving as a Scene Subset allows to select only the items you want and automatically merges with current scene when loaded whereas a Scenefile has to right-clicked and told to merge.

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