Lasso selection tool for DS?

Not sure where to put this request for a tool. But is there any chance we can get a Lasso selection tool for spot renders and not just that big square thing? I've been wanting a lasso for years in DS. Sure, the square spot render is ok for a lot of things, but when you only want to lasso an outstretched area like a leg or arm, a lasso would be perfect to draw a circle around those areas without having to take a huge square of extra real estate you don't want. Graphics programs have had them forever, and with all the leaps and bounds DS has made, how hard can it be to add a lasso?
I do a ton of beta testing, and when you have a figure laid out on their back with arms and legs all stretched out, I wish all the time I had a lasso just to draw a circle or oval close to the periphery of the area I need and not have to deal with a big square that's a nuisance to crop.
Anyway, my 2 cents, thanks.
Most renderers don't support rendering of non-rectangular areas, so DS would still have to render the entire rectangular area and then apply a mask to it. I would think it would be more efficient to render the rectangle and then use the lasso tool in your 2D graphics program/
Ugh, ok, didn't know all that. Thx. Will erase that from my list of "I want".