Converting a morphed/dialed character into a single morph

I could swear that there used to be an easy way to do this, but i don't know how any more. Is there a way to take a character that has many morphs in it and save that as a single morph dial that you can then inject into another character? Is there a program that will do that for you?
ERC Freeze will lwt you create a master control for a shape.
Make sure that the figure is zeroed, aside from the morphs, and right-click in the Parameters pane to set it into Edit mode, if it isn't.
Right-click in the group you wish to contain your master control and select Create New Property, name it, set limits etc.
Set the new property to 1 (or 100%, depending on how you have it display)
Right-click on the new property and select ERC Freeze. In the dialogue your new property should be the cotnroller and you should see all and only the component morphs in sub-components. Assuming that si right, click Accept.
Test your morph.
Assuming it works, and that this is a Genesis or other Daz Studio-format figure, use File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset to save the controller so it will always be available; in the options dialogue set the author and product names as desired, and the content directory to use at the top (the names control the foldr names used for saving in the Data folder for the figure). You can also just save a scene subset, which will make the morph available only on that version of the figure.
If I do this and save the morph can it be added used in another figure? I was trying to do this for an M4 figure actually, not a genesis, so it might not work.
In order to save the morph asset I had to save a figure asset. Now I have a figure that looks like the original and that has ONE morph in it and no rotations LOL. But I don't see a morph that can be added to another M4. Oh and I had to convert M4 to a weight mapped figure. What I really want to do is take the character, save all the dials and morphs as a single morph that I can then add into another M4. I could swear I was able to do that even with DS3 advanced, but I cannot figure out how now. I know I can save as character preset and that usually works, but I was hoping to save the morph so that I could reduce the load in my figure if that makes sense.
Presuming (as an example), you save the morph on a G8F character, then loading any G8F character will have the morph available; you would be able to dial it in full, or partial amounts as you require.
Just wanted to add to this, I know, not exactly on-time, but the easiest way to do what you are asking - To create a single morph dial that will consolidate all of your other used morphs:
Create your character as you want it. with the figure selected, change the Resolution Level (Under Parameters>(your figure)>General>Mesh Resolution to "Base" and the SubDivision Level to 0.
Export as .obj
This .obj file is essentially your morph. Clear out your figure and load in a new base-figure. It would have to be the same. So M4 to M4 or G3M to G3M, etc. Otherwise you'll likely have issues.
Set the Resolution level to "Base" and SubD to 0 again.
Edit>Object>Morph Loader Pro - click Choose Morph Files and select your exported .obj
click the drop-down to the left of the selected file, change the name to what you want the morph to be called and the Property/Group to where you go to find it. Change Create Control Property and Reverse Deformations to Yes. Accept.
The dial "should" now work. If you get an error after hitting accept about verticies not matching, or if it works but then when you use the morph the figure explodes, you may have either not changed the resolution down to base at some point, or if you edited the .obj in another program and didn't keep the verticy order when you imported and/or exported. Morphs only work in this case when the morph and item being morphed have the exact same number of vertices.