Request to Mely3D

Hi, I like your sailboat and has used it some of my renders. But as a sailor there are some details that annoy me a little bit and I wonder if it possible to update?

 First navigation lights, it should be one white in the stern and one red and one green in the bow. Red on the left side.

Fenders, no sailor would have fenders out while sailing. Can we “turn them off”

A keel would med nice also, but not important because you can only see it’s missing in rare cases.


Regards ...


  • You should be able to chnage the lights, if the issue is the colour not absence, in the Surfaces pane.

    Again, the fenders will probably have separate surfaces that can be made transparent or they may even have their own bone which can be hidden. If not, the Geometry editor tool can be used to create a group from their polygons, you can then add a bone to the figure with the Joint Editor, and if you assign the group created from the fenders as its Selection Group in te Tool Settings pane you can hide the fendrs by clicking the eey next to the bone in the Scene pane.

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