How to create morph on prop ?
Hello !
I don't find how to create morph like twist or bend on a prop's part.
Thank you very much for helping ! :)
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Hello !
I don't find how to create morph like twist or bend on a prop's part.
Thank you very much for helping ! :)
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Twisting and bending can't be done with morphs - a moprh just moves the points that define the mesh insttraight lines between the base position and the morph position. If you want to make something bend or twist you have a couple of options, either use a DForm (place the DForm at the pivot point and adjust the field to control the gradation of the effect) or convert to a figure and add bones. What sort of prop is it, and what effects are you wanting to add?
Yes I explain :
I want to create earrings prop with 2 parts : one fix and one that can move according to the position of the character. So I want to add an option on the posing tab (or on parameters tab) for easy controling that.
I hope it's better understanding :)
Thank you Richard
If the swinging part is solid you might do best to have two props, one for the base (parented to the head, or even made a rigid follow node so that it will follow the ear as the head is morphed) and one, for the swinging element, parented to the first and with the Joint Editor tool used to place its centre point where it would pivot - that way you woudl be using just the built in pose controls for adjustment.
It's not exactly what I want.
I show you an example
How to create this "skirtAdjust" with backBend / BackTwist ...etc
Thank again :)
Well, they may be morphs or custom bones controlled by those sliders (which obviosuly needs a figure). Have you created the earrings to be lined up with the zeroed figure (no morphs or poses) when imported?
Of course you can create morphs to simulate some kind of movement. This is what these dress sliders look like.
But they could also include some bones (rigging) that are moving parts of the clothing figure.
To rig your figure like yours, this might help:
I also found this one very helpful when learning how to create a basic rigged figure:
Theses sliders are automatically created when you load a morph to your figure with Morph Loader Pro.
This is how it works:
I can highly recommend Josh's youtube channel.
In the Parameters Tab you can rightclick and switch to Edit Mode.
Than you can again rightclick and create a new property. First thing to make shure is to set a proper path for the property, like "Pose Controls/My Earrings".
This will create a new slider.
To link functions to this property "ERC Freeze" is the magic keyword to look for.
ERC Freeze mainly puts things you changed like moving your earrings to the right or so, to a specific property.
You will find more info about that at Josh's Youtube channel.
Kind regards, Eagle99
Ok that's what I want thank you !
Lots of informations for begin but very usefull :))
THank youuuuu