Can a deformer be set to affect a mesh after bending?

A problem i stumble across all the time when i try to emulate soft body deformations such as sitting, is that deformers are applied before bending. At least that is the default behaviour and it makes it really hard to get a good result. Is there any way to change the order so that the deformer is applied on the bended mesh and not on the base mesh?
How do you pro's do it?
Post edited by jergenoman_b33d4209f8 on
Not that I know of. If it's a question of controllng which areas are affected you could look at using a weight map to control the DForm, isntead of using the field.
If you are doing static/still shots, you can do it manually, by applying the DForm AFTER you've set up your poses. But like Richard said, I don't think there's a way to do it automatically.