How can I get a proper 'cut' effect on mouth sides? (ventriloquest puppet look) - Got it, kind off

I have very little experience with 3D and want the mouth parts of ventriloquest puppet to appear with more realistic 'cut in' look. I got a Paint Shop Pro tutorial on how to give text a cut out effect and followed it for this but it's still too much 2D! Can I do such in 3D for a more realistic cut effect? I have done this on the saved image which FaceGen has generated.

Capture - doll mouth try.JPG
1366 x 768 - 138K
Post edited by launok on
Since you are using 3Delight render engine you make the line with a displacement map. Make a large(4096 x 4096) 16 bit grey scale image that is all white with the lines drawn black and with just a little blur so the lines edges don't appear to sharp. Save this as a 16 bit grey scale TIFF and apply the the Displacement channel. Set strength to 1, minimum to 0 and maximum to .25.
@jestmart - I am not quite following.
I have never done anything like this before, i.e. never used displacement maps. Do I create a displacement map in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop? I am mostly using PSPX7.
I think the lines which I have drawn are actuallty too thick for a 'cut out' look. Are there a tutorial for beginners regarding displacement maps to use in Daz Studio?
Whatever program you used to make the texture. I got the minimum and maximum values backwards in my first post
The texture was actually automatically generated via FaceGen and placed directly in the My DAZ 3D Library. But parts of the original texture I had to change using PSP by painting it out which turned out messy on Genesis. The lines I had put in myself afterwards.
I went back to the generated FaceGen texture map which I have opened in PSP and play a bit more with the selected lines I have drawn from scratch. This time I have add a bit of an inner bevel changing settings and colour and got the result as shown.
By the way, why is the Magus jacket's collar textures so strange looking after render? Before render it's more normal.