How to fit or rig clothing for Michael4 in Daz Studio 4.5, is it even possible?
I've made some clothes for the 4rth generation Michael 4 character, I have the 4rth gen morphs for genesis but would prefer to use the 4rth generation figure for one simple reason.......SHOES!!!!!!!! Since upgrading to 4.5 the "make clothes" that I used previously for V4 garments has disappeared and I can't get the transfer utility to work in creating stuff for gen 4 figures other than V4, converting to triax weight etc. etc.
I hadn't previously tried making clothes for M4, so have no idea how it would have been done even in version 4.0.........
Daz Studio 4.5 has been a good upgrade choice in most areas for me, I do however feel an endless sense of frustration in not being able to get shoes for my Genesis male characters (or the ladies for that matter) to fit well. I have scoured the store to try and buy basic men's shoes for Genesis, like the ones in the Tuxedo set for M4, I want shoes my guy can ballroom dance in!
Please, please can anyone point me to some nice, won't break the bank shoes for genesis males?
PS. I did try every trick I could find in the forums and on the net in general to make those darn shoes work on Genesis!
Okay, let's hope the power stays on this time.
Yes, there are some free shoes for Genesis over at Wilmap's Gallery I think had some. There's also a tutorial over at for making shoes for Genesis. I forget whose.
There are some shoes for Genesis sold in the Daz3d store.
One can rig "legacy" shoes and clothing in D/S4.5 using the Figure/Skeleton Tab. [basically the same as in D/S3]
Found one link;
I found this tut most helpful when fitting shoes to Genesis. It is written for 4.0 but the actions are the same for 4.5. As the tut says this method will result in not having crumpled up shoes.