Shader Baker in DS4

Does this work in DS4?
I loaded a shader for Black Leather in the shader Mixer, applied it to some pants. Selected the pants material zone in surfaces, went to the Shader Baker tab, set directory and baked.
Log says this:
ERROR: 3Delight Process exited abnormally: "C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/bin/tdlmake.exe -ushort -bakeres 1024 -nomipmap
Any known issues there?
It looks like you didn't select a path for the texture to be saved.
Nope, that was the "set directory" part of the above. The directory path was set. I made a folder on the desktop. Can you "bake" a shader that was from the shader mixer?
I tried several different ones that were based on shader mixer.
It does not work for me, all I get is a pure white texture map.
You need to add a baker brick to the brick set up and connect the inputs to match the type of bake you are doing in order to make that set up capable of baking.
*edited by Mod to resize/crop image*
I believe adding such a brick is only possible if you have the source file.
AFAIK, there is no way to do this on a commercial product that has already been compiled as .dsa
Apply the material to a surface and select that surface in the surfaces pane, then in shader mixer file->Import from Scene->material.
This will load the network into shader mixer. There are plans for qa to adopt a policy of requiring the bake brick to be part of submitted shader mixer created materials to avoid users having to add the brick themselves.
If it's a Shader Mixer shader that doesn't matter as you can always open it in Shader Mixer, but for a hand-coded shader (or one built with Shader Builder) supplied as an .sdl file you are right. The .dsa, in the case of a compiled shader, will just be the settings.