Error message upon startup

OK, I updated to the newest public release of DS and now, every time I start up, it says "A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. Several DAS Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content nstalled using the Daz Connect service, will not be available. Check your network, anti-virus, and firewall settings for conflicts." ... Does anyone know how to fix that?
I am connected to the internet, the daz store link works fine from inside studio. It just gives me this error every time. No firewall. I am one of those weird Mac people ;)
It also crashes when I quit, every time.
It's a separate download you have to install. How are you installing your products? Manual or DIM
a few questions to establish the possible problem areas.
- What version of DAZ Studio did you upgrade from?
- What version of macOS are you running on?
If you did run like 4.9 or newer version :
- In DAZ Studio (Preferences->CMS Settings), can you screen shot that? CMD+SHIFT+4 then select the window. You need to open the screen shot in Preview and save as a .jpg to upload it here)
If you browse with Finder to ~/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/ (where ~is your home directory) do you see a folder named cms there? (the ~/Library might be hidden, there are ways of showing it in finder, or do Go To Folder... and paste in that path in the Finder "Go To" dialog.
If you do, there is a file in it called "cmscfg.json", you it in Text Exit (or even better, TextWrangler) and copy the content (Its just a few lines), and past it here.
Mine says:
"Port" : 1024,
"DatabaseClusterPath" : "/Users/totte/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms"
I am connected to the internet, the daz store link works fine from inside studio. It just gives me this error every time. No firewall. I am one of those weird Mac people ;)
Can you grab the first 100 lines from the crashlog (yiu can get if via and paste it here. I guess the crash is tering down Connect but it might include hints.
Also, in DAZ Studio, under Help->Trouble shooting->View log file, can you do that and look for the lines where it tries to connect to the cms, and copy that and paste it here.
I am installing via DIM. I am not sure what the separate download would be called.
I think I upgraded from 4.8 something but I am not sure.
I am on 10.9.5.
The CMS settings just have cluster directory: None and Port 1024.
I don't think there is a CMS installed.
I have attached the log (which is mostly gibberish to me) but I posted it from the start of the session until the error message.
Here is the crash log
Hello GhostOfMacbeth,
Look it at files I see two things:
(1) Yes, it cannot connect to the CMS as it doesn't find it. 4.8 still supported the old and crashprone Valentina CMS DB, had you upgraded to Postgres or were you still on Valentina, or don't you know?
(2) The crash is in Iray teardown, if you upgraded from 4.8 -> 4.9 and used nIVidia GPU rendering, updating the nVidia drivers and CUDA is a very good idea.
Try to locate the Postgres CMS using DIM (either in installed, as my screen shot shows) or somewhere else, you might have it hidden too.
Yeah, I had no clue about the PostgreSQL thing. That fixed it Thank you.
You're welcome, and I promise, I won't hang any innocent Orcs ever again ;-)