Forum Post Ranks

I'm not sure if this has been explained or asked already, but I'm just curious as to what the member post ranks are. So far I've only seen the following:
New Member = 0 Posts
Member = 25 Posts
Active Member = 250 Posts
That and of course special titles like Administrator, Moderator, and other Community ranks. So, what's the full list?
Post edited by RCDeschene on
That's part of the fun. Finding out when it happens.
I don't understand the obsession with post counts some seem to have.
I think any titles (which is a better word for it than 'rank') should be more closely related to your join date rather than how many times you've blabbed your mouth off.
I visit every day but don't always post, yet I'm still considered a 'new member' even though I joined on day one?
I could post 50 useless comments in one day if I needed the ego boost, but taking pride in that would seem a little too pathetic to bother.
Must agree with this, although I must admit I've toyed with the idea of saying HI in lots of links.:cheese:
Damn you've got more posts than me!:sick:
I don't see the logic of competing about post counts, either. But I'm susceptible sometimes (see sig).
"New Member" really should be about join date, poor choice of words, on someone's part.
OTOH, We see the join date, so it wouldn't make sense to put it in the title...
So... that leaves me with a question. If pips equal rank, then, what if there's a Hyperactive Member category which gets 3 pips...
Would they outrank forum administrators?
Only 151 posts to go! Then I can quit posting, and savor the irony of being called an Active Member.
2500 posts - Hyper-active Member
25.0000 posts - ADHD Member.....
Oh, hey, yeah, I hadn't noticed, duh, it is power of ten.
Well, we won't find out about the pips issue for a while yet.
And Richard Haseltine is an administrator...
So... either we won't find out until the next poster beats it...
... or a paradox could be created... who knows what might happen then?
. . . . . and I gotta learn to lurk more instead of blabbing!
I have problems with ADD (not ADHD as I am not too hyperactive) I get distracted easily.
I am ADD so I get distracted and change the subject of a convo all the time.
What was that you were talking about Frank.
I don't remember. First it was cooking they it was planting a couple flowers, then doing a new model. That was just in the last couple minutes while doing promo's and reading the forums.
talking about cooking. I need to war up my potato with some cheese and bacon.
I know that's a typo but I see a Potato with a Bacon gun Cheese bullets and a Cheese helmet going off to WAR.
oops I meant warm up my potato.
Beware of the potato as it is going to war!
Potato with bacon, cheese, and sour cream with chives sounds REALLY good right now.
I had that good old fashioned Brithish standbye Spaghetti Bolognese, or scraggy bog as my Son insists on calling it.
I do not have sour cream and I forgot what i did with the chives. I just had several kinds of cheese with bacon on a potato.
Edit: had to remove Melody's picture
I love that color grey.
Micah is now happier because I removed the books from his chair. Now he is curled up on the chair drifting to feline nap world.
When will this be available in the store? How much discount will the PC members get? Will it also fit the Millenium Cow or is it just for Genesis?
1.000.000 posts - HowIendeduphereIcantre Member
When will this be available in the store? How much discount will the PC members get? Will it also fit the Millenium Cow or is it just for Genesis?
When will this be available in the store? How much discount will the PC members get? Will it also fit the Millenium Cow or is it just for Genesis?
No it is just for potatoes. Will not fit either the Millenium Cow or Genesis. Maybe we can get a potato shape for genesis and someone will release a version of the outfit for the Genesis potato. (then people will ask for a sweet potato morph and textures for the genesis potato. then we would also have the other ways to cook potatoes and sweet potatoes too.)
oops I meant warm up my potato.
Beware of the potato as it is going to war!
That would be a fun render, actually!! :bug:
Now, this is cute. :)
Wow, for a lot of people who don't like the idea of member post counts, you all managed to already crank this thread up a page! :lol:
But as for the topic at hand, I honestly don't care for post whoring, myself. But I don't think that's the case with most guys here. Yes, a lot of you guys have your old forum post counts in your signatures, but I also know it's because that's something all of you, especially most of you, accumulated over a long period of time.
Don't worry, I absolutely agree that rank should be respectful to the member's time and experience with DAZ, not their post counts. but to some long-time DAZers, those posts big numbers ARE their badges of honor. I was just curious as to what exactly the ranks are.
Not sure why I put my old post count in my signature. I put it in there but did not think much about it. hmmm I do not know what to think.
That's another thing! How in the name of Victoria 4's non-existent Everyday Clothing line did you rack up 700+ posts in just a few weeks?
That's another thing! How in the name of Victoria 4's non-existent Everyday Clothing line did you rack up 700+ posts in just a few weeks?
one post at a time? How long have we been able to post in the new forums?
one post at a time? How long have we been able to post in the new forums?
I want to say a bout 3 weeks...