dforce is the best Force



  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246
    Llynara said:

    So far, I managed to make a dress explode. More reading to do! 


    Well I see your problem. They're engaged in the Lambada, the Forbidden Dance. When doing the Lambada clothes have been known to explode off of people even in the real world. 3D never had a chance! 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    Llynara said:

    So far, I managed to make a dress explode. More reading to do! 


    Well I see your problem. They're engaged in the Lambada, the Forbidden Dance. When doing the Lambada clothes have been known to explode off of people even in the real world. 3D never had a chance! 

    LMAO! I think you're right! laugh

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    I think it was Esha that said on the other thread that if any part of the pose is physically impossible (fingers going through flesh etc) then an explosion will happen because there's no space between for the fabric to pass through. With that in mind, this simulation might well have worked if the guy's hands were adjusted so that his fingertips didn't go through his partner's body and there was room for the fabric to pass beneath them. Kind of obvious really when you think about it, but it's probably what was wrong with an explosive attempt I made last night with a figure posed sitting with her elbow on her thigh. I'll have to bear it in mind in future.

    Llynara said:

    So far, I managed to make a dress explode. More reading to do! 


  • DestinysGardenDestinysGarden Posts: 2,550
    edited October 2017

    @Llynara, Esha's post over here sums up quite a few things to avoid. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2908966/#Comment_2908966

    I'm pretty sure your dress exploding is due to all the contact points on the pose. It is a good effect though. wink Edit: hide the male figure in the scene, and try the drape again, and see if that helps. I'd also hide her hair because that will probably collide with the dress somewhere.

    I've got a render drop for the group. This is using Aave Nainen's Meri May dress for Genesis 3 Female.

    meri may 1.png
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by DestinysGarden on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited October 2017

    Thanks so much for the tips. Not sure why the guy loaded with his fingers going through her. It's an older scene, and I'm loading it in the new beta, so maybe something has changed slightly with positioning. I'll adjust his pose, then turn him off and try again. 

    I went back to the drawing board before I saw this, just to try something that's known to work. The Bardot Outfit really looks good with Aave's Free Spirit Hair, which has morphs to match this Classical Dance pose. Since they're morphs, they're not lost in autofit either, which is nice.

    No postwork on this: 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • That's lovely Llynara. I cross posted with Astracadia, heh. @Astracadia, yeah, in my pic above I bent the girl's torso back a bit so her elbow was not touching the knee for the drape simulation, and then I reposed the torso after the drape. One major advantage of dForce over Optitex is that you can repose the figure after draping, or use morphs in the clothing, with out the drape resetting.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Oh, that's great to know, and a HUGE plus! It drove me crazy in Optiplex to lose everything if I tried to tweak things after a drape. 

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    One thing you can do with fingertips is actually hide the fingers so they aren't part of the simulation, then unhide them and rely on collision to get the final dimpling.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    One thing you can do with fingertips is actually hide the fingers so they aren't part of the simulation, then unhide them and rely on collision to get the final dimpling.

    OH neat trick. I'll have to try that. :)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    So...really scary stuff happens when you accidentally apply dforce to the character instead of the clothing. Just sayin'!

    (Probably good for Halloween renders!)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I've been trying to do a 'punch into a figure' thing, but while it seems to be possible, it's really hard and probably better off just using a dformer.


  • Hey people. Could someone please explain to me where is the option of adding D'force modiefier to a simple plane? I'm trying to add to one , but I can't find it anywere. Also , can it be added to old colthes? Something like v4 , gen 3 models? Thanks!


  • Hey people. Could someone please explain to me where is the option of adding D'force modiefier to a simple plane? I'm trying to add to one , but I can't find it anywere. Also , can it be added to old colthes? Something like v4 , gen 3 models? Thanks!


    You'll need to use Window->Workspace->Update and merge menus,  then the option to add the modifier will appear in the Edit->Geometry submenu. And yes, older item can work, though some may require significant effort to fix them.

  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    edited October 2017

    Does anyone know how to drape, from the current pose? When I hit simulate, it simulates from  T-Pose into my current pose. I dont like that. Any way to make the actor stay put?

    Post edited by deleted user on
  • Does anyone know how to drape, from the current pose? When I hit simulate, it simulates from  T-Pose into my current pose. I dont like that. Any way to make the actor stay put?

    Over on the simulation tab, there should be one that says Start From Memorised Posed. Turn it from On to Off.

  • Does anyone know how to drape, from the current pose? When I hit simulate, it simulates from  T-Pose into my current pose. I dont like that. Any way to make the actor stay put?

    Over on the simulation tab, there should be one that says Start From Memorised Posed. Turn it from On to Off.

    But note that not starting from the T (or A) pose increases the chance that you will already have some self-intersections or clipping that will make the simualtion explode.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I like using the animation timeline because you can easily check for clipping along the way and correct the pose flow accordingly.

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