5+ minutes to Load GEN3 Female

edited October 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

It is taking 5 minutes for Studio to load Genesis 3 Female base....this can't be normal. Can anyone help me determine what is taking so long to load her?

I have attached a copy of my log after loading her....but I am not sure what to look for to detrmine where to look for issues.

Thanks in advance for any help or direction you can provide.

Post edited by SLoTH_XVX on


  • 1: How many G3F figures do you have installed?

    2: What type of hard drive?

  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    Drive is not the issue (IMO), other Genesis (8) figures load in a reasonable amount of time.

    If I had to guess I have over 100 characters installed for GF3.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    I have got hundreds of G3F chars installed, it takes less than 2 mins to load her up. 5 mins seems very excessive.

  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    My thoughts exactly. 

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited October 2017

    Oh! One thing I thought of. Are you using the drag drop method, or the double click method? For some odd reason, drag and drop takes longer to load than double click for me.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    I always use double click.....but have tried the D-n-D (Drag-n-Drop) method and no significant difference between them.


  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Darn, I am all outta ideas.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Does it load any faster into an empty scene than the one you are working in?  I've noticed that for whatever reason some larger scenes I have will have extreme loading times, whereas others load up right away.

  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    The scene was/is completely empty....no lights, props, other figures...nothing. Just GF3 (base figure), first thing loaded into the scene. .

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    I suspect its all the duplicate formula & could not find property errors which are showing in your log as each error seems to slow things down 



  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited October 2017

    Pesonally I only keep in the content folder what I need for the current project. Among other things, this speeds up loading and helps to avoid duplicate formulas in some extent.


    EDIT: I see your log is very messy. In general when you get an asset it is a good idea to test it just to see if it gets errors in the log. It may be dependencies on assets you don't have and/or missing updates on assets you have and/or simply a bug. DIM should update automatically.

    For example, personally I get a dependency error on PHMEyesIrisSize every time I load a scene with the G3F. So I updated G3F and I checked it and the Iris Size morph doesn't exist. So I know it's a bug in G3F and I simply go on with it.

    Post edited by Padone on
  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885
    edited October 2017

    One error caught my attention:

    G:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Female/Morphs/Zeddicuss/Z_Da_Bomb_Expressions/Z_DB_11.png (1,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['

    Try removing this folder "G:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Female/Morphs/Zeddicuss/Z_Da_Bomb_Expressions" to see if this fixes the error.


    Post edited by jag11 on
  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    Jag11, this helped TREMENDOUSLY!

    Knocked the time down from 5+ minutes to just under 2 minutes! Thank you 



    Thank you for the suggestion but only loading the content I am using in a scene would severly hamper my work flow as most of the time I browse through the content I have to find the 'right' item.



    I will have to search through the logs for additiona 'errors' and see whether cleaning or clearing those out helps even more. Thank you for the tip.

  • SLoTH_XVXSLoTH_XVX Posts: 199

    Took some doing but I have removed all the troublesome 'duplicate' formulas from my content and now she is loading in just under 2 minutes without 'errors'. 


    Once again thank you each for your help!

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,957

    Under two min is still long.  Mine loads in 10 seconds, whether its a textureless base shape or a scene subset loading up the hair and textures plus dialing in all the used character morphs

  • For me, G3F loads in 2 minutes. I have over 50 figures. I've contacted support. Started several threads over time asking if anyone had any solutions. I've re-installed several times. I even got a brand new machine with new SSD and it did the same thing as I added more figures. Even with a bare bones install with zero figures, G3F still took 20 seconds to load.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    Mine loads in 2 seconds.

    2017-10-19 20:07:03.577 File loaded in 0 min 2.4 sec.

    It should be interesting to see the log file to see whay others take so long to load a figure.

  • There's nothing unusual in the log file. I've gone over it and even sent it to the devs. I was told all sorts of things. Like it wasn't installed on the C drive (I reinstalled on C and it made no difference). It was on an external drive (it wasn't). I had to re-install (that made no difference). On and on. I'm even using an SSD. But nothing was ever found in the log file. I did a completely new install on a new machine. Same thing.

    G2F and G8F load fast though. It's only G3F.

    The time incrementally goes up as I install more and more figures for G3F. I even ran a Windows API Spy program to time the different function calls and it seems it's all morph related. It's just slow loading all the morphs. I also found that it keeps checking for registry keys that don't exist. These are somewhat slow. But I added most of them and it didn't seem to change anything.

  • Loading a character with morphs is single threaded.  So if you have lots of cores running at a slower clock speed than a CPU with fewer cores at higher clock speed that could be a difference people see.  Also loading morphs causes a lot of file I/O which can have all sorts of variables based on type of disk, state of current disk cache, antivirus/antimalware tools that monitor file access, etc.

  • In your content manager, only have the base Gen 3 base library selected. Exclude all other libraries. Load the Gen3 character. It shouldn't take more than a couple of seconds. This will prove it's a content issue and not a DAZ program issue.
  • What does "exclude all other libraries" mean? Where are these libraries?

  • What does "exclude all other libraries" mean? Where are these libraries?

    I doubt it's your problem, to be honest. Do you have more G3 characters than the others currently installed?

  • What does "exclude all other libraries" mean? Where are these libraries?

    From memory, it's in the content management tab. Have only the base directory selected. It should be something like... public.. This will only have the base g3 characters available. I use this to check for abnormal loading time and rogue morphs. G3 should take less than 10 secs to load.
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