The Gatehouse, Missing Parts?
Joe Cotter
Posts: 3,259
I just downloaded The Gatehouse, and it has two parts I seem to be missing: ExtGrassFront and ExtWallGrass. I was wondering if others are missing those also or if I just got a wonky download?
Where are those files listed? I don't have them either, but I do have GroundEXtL and GroundExtR - and in the Objects sub-foler there are also separate grass props, starting L or R.
The pngs are available in the props folder but not the duf, so it probably doesn't show in the interface, just in the actual folder. And yes, I have the Ground Extension L/R also, so no problems there. If the objs are there then it looks like the dufs just got lost in translation perhaps.
This is a beautiful prop btw... but big. 3.8m vertices, 1.95m quads, low trianges... all of those appear to be optimized for no extras, just lots of detail. It has a beautiful water shader on the puddle, heck all of the shaders are nice. I do recommend it to anyone, just realize it's big. The grass/trees etc all are nice in their own right so can be added to other scenes... It comes with a skydome, lightset, and renders fast/nice using the light set that came with. My vid card is only 500m so scrolling viewport has some lag but not bad considering the prop. Two thumbs up :)