Pegasus 3.0
Hello, I've downloaded Pegasus 3.0 and now wants to oeffnen. Unfortunately this does not work because I can not find usernamekey I could unfortunately my English is not very good. where can I find the usernamekey ?
Post edited by christinaroeseler on
Go to My Account at the TOP Right of the page then go to My Serial Numbers. You will get a Usernamekey and the Serial code all in one line. You should use Copy Paste to enter them in the proper places.
Futher than this I can not help as I do not have that version of Pegasus.
Thank you i will try this now
Ihave try this but it is not the right way . I can´t open this programm
Contact Support and Send a Ticket. That is on the bottom of the Page.
Under Contact Us.
There is another thread on this at
In the last post, the vendor tells you what to do until DAZ fixes the problem.
Excellent! Glad to hear he's on top of it until DAZ can get things sorted in everyone's account.
Do those of us who own 2.0 get a free update to 3.0?