Weird Issue

I did some searches and couldn’t find a replicate issue so hopefully someone can assist.
Basically, I’m rendering a scene and one wall of my scene ends up rendering with random pieces cut out of it almost as if there’s a transparency map but there isn’t one.
The messed up thing is that when I use a random shader on the wall the issue goes away. I’ve even tried mimicking the settings of a shader with my texture exactly but that doesn’t work.
any ideas? I’m at a complete loss.
What surface does the wall have? 3DL? Iray? Could you post some screenshots of the surface settings?
It’s in iRay; the settings I’m using are legitimately the same exact settings that the MEC4D brick shader in his second set uses.
I use it on all the other surfaces I textured and it doesn’t happen. It’s so damn strange it’s on one wall that’s literally a plane with one surface
Is that wall from a particular set? did you create it yourself?
Created myself. It’s literally a plane that’s uv mapped 1:1 in segments. I guess I could redo that section and see if that’s the issue
Well hold on, that can’t be the issue.
When apply just the base shader it works fine. It’s only when I change my texture that it goes wonky.
Check if the polygones faces all point in the same direction. That can cause problems with some shaders.
I just completely redid the poly and that didn’t fix anything.
in fact, it made it worse probably.
i don’t know if it matters or not but the poly is a plane
Is that a single poly plane? like the one inthe left?
Does it look like in the right hand comparision rencer?